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signNumber: 829 idGloss: around1a pageURL: https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/around1a.html keywords: - around - about - rotate - mix - circulate - circuit - lap - roundabout (traffic) regionImages: - https://www.auslan.org.au/static/img/maps/Auslan.png - https://www.auslan.org.au/static/img/maps/Auslan/AustraliaWide-traditional.png signDemonstrations: - url: https://object-store.rc.nectar.org.au/v1/AUTH_92e2f9b70316412697cddc6f3ac0ee4e/staticauslanorgau/auslan/10/10900.mp4 available: true lastModified: Thu, 11 May 2023 05:43:08 GMT etag: 8f8f7d2506acfbe2d89f92d1374319ae contentType: video/mp4 contentLength: 132587 - url: https://object-store.rc.nectar.org.au/v1/AUTH_92e2f9b70316412697cddc6f3ac0ee4e/staticauslanorgau/auslan/10/10910.mp4 available: true lastModified: Thu, 11 May 2023 05:43:09 GMT etag: 9665eec684aaeaf2365d79f42f03eb7b contentType: video/mp4 contentLength: 80319 - url: https://object-store.rc.nectar.org.au/v1/AUTH_92e2f9b70316412697cddc6f3ac0ee4e/staticauslanorgau/mp4video/79/7970_1.mp4 available: true lastModified: Thu, 11 May 2023 10:59:02 GMT etag: 8c0ee6a08f926ba4a600164c3df9b790 contentType: video/mp4 contentLength: 432779 - url: https://object-store.rc.nectar.org.au/v1/AUTH_92e2f9b70316412697cddc6f3ac0ee4e/staticauslanorgau/mp4video/69/6970.mp4 available: true lastModified: Thu, 11 May 2023 10:57:51 GMT etag: c20bec1f8e66e6359589b31cd2b3dc34 contentType: video/mp4 contentLength: 1134473 signedDefinitions: [] writtenDefinitions: - title: General Definition entries: - Of any two things (real or imaginary, abstract or concrete), for one thing to go around the other thing, or any thing or activity that can be directly or metaphorically associated with this in context. - title: As a Noun entries: - The path or places around something. - A journey around a circular path or course. English = circuit, lap. - title: As a Verb or Adjective entries: - To be located around a central point. English = around. - To go around a central point. - To do a lap or circuit of a circular course. - Of an object, to turn around in a cirular path. English = rotate. - To do or say something in a way which is not the simplest or most direct way; to avoid the point or the issue. English = (be) roundabout. Idiomatic English = beat around the bush. previousSign: journey nextSign: around1b timestamp: 1683802742000