
signNumber: 1822 idGloss: absent pageURL: https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/absent.html keywords: - absence - absent regionImages: - https://www.auslan.org.au/static/img/maps/Auslan.png - https://www.auslan.org.au/static/img/maps/Auslan/AustraliaWide-traditional.png signDemonstrations: - url: https://object-store.rc.nectar.org.au/v1/AUTH_92e2f9b70316412697cddc6f3ac0ee4e/staticauslanorgau/auslan/25/25710.mp4 available: true lastModified: Thu, 11 May 2023 08:33:13 GMT etag: f937ddee6a6d1f71428130b58aa3d5fe contentType: video/mp4 contentLength: 54681 signedDefinitions: [] writtenDefinitions: - title: As a Noun entries: - The fact that someone is not at a place. English = absence. - title: As a Verb or Adjective entries: - To be not at a place, to be not there. English = (be) absent. previousSign: take1a nextSign: nausea timestamp: 1683793993000

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