
signNumber: 241 idGloss: afford pageURL: keywords: - afford - pay for - fare - pay regionImages: - - signDemonstrations: - url: available: true lastModified: Thu, 11 May 2023 10:45:07 GMT etag: 253745d353eb47de2511a1cf00ef1593 contentType: video/mp4 contentLength: 982758 signedDefinitions: [] writtenDefinitions: - title: As a Noun entries: - The money you pay for a journey in a taxi, train, bus or aeroplane. English = fare. - title: As a Verb or Adjective entries: - To give someone an amount of money, because you are buying something from them, or because you owe it to them. English = pay, pay for. - To have enough money to be able to pay for something. English = afford. previousSign: wait-nothing nextSign: profit1a timestamp: 1683801907000

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