
signNumber: 1386 idGloss: archery pageURL: keywords: - bow (archery) - archery - archer - Sagittarius regionImages: [] signDemonstrations: - url: available: true lastModified: Thu, 11 May 2023 10:10:07 GMT etag: a05adfa61f4ef5749c62ab2141c048d1 contentType: video/mp4 contentLength: 931152 signedDefinitions: [] writtenDefinitions: - title: As a Noun entries: - A weapon for shooting arrows. It consists of a long piece of wood bent into a curve by a string attached to both its ends. English = bow. - A sport in which people shoot at a target with a bow and arrow. English = archery. - Someone who shoots with a bow and arrow. English = archer. - A constellation and sign of the Zodiac (the Archer - a centaur drawing a bow). English = Sagittarius. - title: As a Verb or Adjective entries: - To shoot an arrow using a bow and arrow. previousSign: home-isolation nextSign: grasshopper timestamp: 1683799807000

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