
tag: phonology:onehand publicGlosses: - abattoir1a - Aborigine - about-number - absent - accelerate1b - accept.SA - accommodation1a - ache1a - acne - add-replace1a - Adelaide1a - Adelaide1b - administration - adult - advanced.far1a - aeroplane - afford - Africa1a - Africa1b - after - afternoon.NTH1a - afternoon.NTH1b - afternoon.QLD - afternoon.SA - afternoon.TAS - afternoon.VIC1a - afternoon.VIC1b - after.NTH - after-you - again-repeat1a - again-repeat1b - again-repeat1d - air1b - air-hostess - alarm-clock - alcoholic1a - alcoholic1b - alert1a - alive1a - alive1b - all1a - all1b - all-day-long - almost-soon1a - almost-soon1b - alone - alpha - alright1a - always1a - always.SA - amateur - Amerindian1a - Amerindian1b - Amerindian1c - amphetamine - amputate - and - and.SA1b - and-then1b - angle.outine - angry1a - angry1b - animal1a - animal.STH - announce1a - answer-telephone - apple1a - apple1b - approach-close1c - approach-close1d - approximate - area1a - area1b - area.shape - are.SE - arm1a - arm1b - army - around1c - around1d - ashamed1a - Asia - Asia-Orient1a - Asia-Orient1b - ask - asthma - attitude1a - auction - audiology-headphone1a - auditory-verbal - Australia-hat1a - available1a - awful-dismiss1a - awful.NTH - awful-shameful - back-of-body1a - back-of-mind1a - back-of-mind1b - bad - badge - bad-luck - badminton - bad-smell - bag1a - bagpipes - bald1a - ban1c - ban1d - barber - bark1a - basketball - bat.SE - battery1a - beach - beads1a - beads1b - beard1a - beat - beckon1a - beckon1b - bedroom - BED-ROOM - bed-sleep1a - bed-sleep1c - beer1a - before - beg1a - behave1b - belief-faith - bequeath-inherit - beret - beret.FLAT - Berlin - bet - beta - bewildered - bid1a - bid-handup - big.NSW - binomial - bird - biro - birthday.WA - bishop - bitch - bite1a - blab1a - black1a - black-eye - black.NTH - Blacktown - blank-mind - blazing-sun - bless-cross1a - blind - blind-awning - blind-roll - blink - blonde - blood1b - blood-pressure - blood-sample - blow-horn - blush1a - blush1b - board-game - boarding-school - boomerang - boring - boring-yawn - boss - bossy - both1a - boundary-umpire - bowler - bowling - boy - BOY.NTH - bracelet-bangle1a - bracelet-bangle1b - brag - braille - brain - brainy - brake1a - breakfast.STH - bream - breast1a - breasts - breath - breathe1a - brief1a - bright-light1a - brilliant - brooch - brown1a - buddies - budgerigar - bull-nose-ring1a - bull-nose-ring1b - bull's-eye1a - bullshit1a - bully.NSW - bunker - business.WA&SA - busy.SE - but1a - butcher - button1a - button1c - button1d - bye-bye - Caesarean - Cairns - calculator1b - call - Calvary - camel - camera.shutter - can-able1a - Canada1a - Canada1b - Canada1c - Canada1d - cancer - can-not - canteen - can-you - cap1a - cap-visor1b - carburettor - careful1a - care-not1a - care-not1b - - carrot.VIC - cash-register - casino - castle1a - Catholic.cross - cat-whiskers1a - ceiling1a - ceiling-fan - champion - change-mind - channel-TV1a - character - charge-demand1a - cheat.NSW - cheat.TAS - check-assess1a - checked - check.SE - cheeky - chef.SA - cherry1a - chest1a - chest1b - chewing-gum - child - children1a - children.heads - Chile - chilli - China - chocolate - choke - choose1a - choose1e - choosy - chops - christen1a - christen1b - christen-cross - Christmas1a - circle - claw1a - clever1a - clever-not - cliff1a - close-shave - close-shave.FIVE - clown1a - club-cap - clubs - coat-hanger1a - cochlear-implant - coffee.C - collar1a - collector1a - colon-symbol - comb - come1a - come-on - comfortable - comic - comma - committee1a - committee1c - common1a - communist - component - concept - conductor - confident1a - confidential1c - confirmation - confronting - conscience-thoughts - conscience-worry - consider1a - contemplate - contract - cordial1a - corn1b - corn1e - corporal - cough - cough.claw - council.TAS - country1a - country-wide - couple1a - courage1b - cousin - covet - crack1a - cranky - crap - crayon - crazy1a - crazy.flick1a - crazy.loopy1a - cream.TAS - creek - creepy-crawly1a - crest1a - crewcut - criminal - criminal.SA - cross-angry - cross-out1c - cruel1a - cruel1b - cruel.SA - crustacean1a - cub - cube-root - cued-speech - curl1a - cursor - curve - cute1a - cut-throat-razor - cut-with-scissors - daddy - damn.VIC - danger-wow - dare1a - dark - darts - day-date - daydream - deaf1a - deaf-and-dumb1a - deaf-club - decelerate1b - decide1a - decorate1a - degree - delicious - Denmark - dentist1a - dentist1b - dentist-filling1a - dentures - deny1a - deny1b - deodorant - depth1a - desire - detective-badge1a - detective-badge1b - determined.claw - determined.SA - devil1a - diabetes - diagonal1a - diagonal1b - diagonal1d - dice - dickhead - dilate - dining-room - dinner.NTH - dinner.STH - directional - directional-begin - directional-end - disappoint1a - discus - dislike - dissimulate - distasteful - distinguished - divide-symbol - division - doctor-stethoscope - doff-hat - dog - dog.NTH - dolphin - do-not1b - door-knob - dorsal-fin - do-there - double - double-talk1a - dozen - drama - draw-line1b - draw.STH - dream1a - dress1a - dribble - drink1a - drink-beer - drip - drip-drop - drop1a - drown.nose - drunk1a - drunk-to-eyeballs1a - drunk-to-eyeballs1b - Dublin - duck - dummy1a - dummy1b - dump1a - dump1b - each - eagle - ear - earache - early1a - earring1a - easy1a - easy-peasy - eat1a - Egypt-Ancient - eight - eighteen - eighth - electricity1a - electricity.battery1a - electric-light - electric-shaver1a - elephant1a - elephant1b - eleven - eleven.STH - emaciated1a - emit - emotional1a - empower - emu - enjoy1a - enough-not - enquire - equal-symbol - erection - erection-lose - ethnic1a - Europe - evening - every-night - excavate - expect - exquisite - eyeball - eyebrow-pencil - eyeliner - face1a - face-mask-anaesthetist - face-resemble1a - face-shield - factorial1a - fair - fake1a - fall1a - fan - far1a - far1d - farm1a - farm1b - fart1a - fart-wave - fashion1a - fault.TAS - feel1a - feminist - feminist.lady - few1a - fiction1a - fifteen - fifth - fifth-fraction - filmstar.WA - find1a - find1b - find-grab1a - find-grab1b - find-grab1c - fine - finish-extinguish1b - finish-fag - FINLAND - fire-brigade - firefighter - firefighter.QLD - first1a - first-aid - first-date - fish-seafood1b - fish-swim1a - five - five-eighth - flash - flashing-doorbell1a - flicker - flour - flower1a - flower1b - flower1c - flower1d - flowerpot - flu1a - flu1d - fluke - FM-hearing-aid - fond - fool1a - foolish - force - forehead - forget1a - forgetfulness - for.STH1a - forward-rugby - found-out - four - fourteen - fourth - fraction - fragrance1a - France1a - France1b - free.F1a - frog - from1a - from1c - from-to1a - front - front.body - fruit1a - fruit1b - fruit-apple - FS:A.ASL - FS:B.ASL - FS:C - FS:C.ASL - FS:C(insert-C-word)1a - FS:C(insert-C-word)1b - FS:D.ASL - FS:E.ASL - FS:H.ASL - FS:H.ISL - FS:I.ASL - FS:J.ASL - FS:K.ASL - FS:K.ISL - FS:LA(LOS-ANGELES) - FS:L.ASL - FS:L.ISL - FS:M.ASL - FS:N.ASL - FS:NO.ASL - FS:O.ASL - FS:P.ASL - FS:R.ASL - FS:S.ASL - FS:T.ISL - FS:U.ASL - FS:V.ASL - FS:X.ASL - FS:Y.ASL - FS:Z.ASL - FSZ:W.ASL - fuck-off1d - full - fun - fund-grant1b - funny-strange - fur - fussy1a - future - G(5-DOWN):HEY - G(5-DOWN):PHOOEY - Gallaudet-University - gamma - garbage - garlic - gay - generous1a - genius - gentle1a - German - German.NSW - get-lost1a - get-out - gibberish1a - gibberish1b - giggle - giraffe - girl1a - girl-guide - girl.NTH1a - give-back - glasses - gleefully - go1a - go-across - goat - go-back1a - go-back1b - go-blank1a - go-down - God.SE - go-forward1a - go-home1a - go-in-vehicle1a - gone - gone.good - good1a - good1b - good-night.STH - good-point - good-riddance - go-point1a - gospel - gossip1a - go-steady - got-idea - go-to-and-fro1a - go-trace1a - go-trace1c - go-up1a - government.epaulet - government.sash - grab - grace - gravity1b - greedy - greedy.neck - greedy.NTH - green.NTH1a - grey1a - grey1b - grief1a - grief1b - growl1a - grow-up1a - guess1a - guillotine - guilty1a - gun1a - hair - hairbrush - hair-bun - hairdresser1a - hair-spray - half.flick - half-hour.face - halo - hammer - handkerchief - handsome - handsome.lucky - hanging - hangover - hard-of-hearing.ASL - hash - hat-head1a - have - have-not1a - hayfever - hayfever.SA - headache1a - healthy - hear1a - hearing1a - hearing-aid1a - hearing-aid1b - hearing-aid.analog - hearing-dog1a - hearing-dog1b - hearing-speaking - hear-of1a - hear-of1c - heart - heart-attack - heater-warm - hell1a - hello1a - hello-doff - here-it-this1a - here-they-these1a - hero.VIC - hi - hiccup - hide-and-seek - high-school1b - hill - hitch-hike - hold1a - hold1b - hold-nose1a - hold-on - Holy-Spirit - honeymoon - Hong-Kong - hook1a - hooked - horizontal1b - hose - hospital.NSW - hot1a - hour.face - how-much1a - how-much1b - how-old - humid1a - humid1b - hundred#11a - hundred#11b - hundreds - hungry.QLD - hungry.STH - hungry.WA1a - hurt-feelings1a - hurt-feelings1b - husband - hypocrite1a - hypothesis - ice-cream - Iceland1a - iconic.BSL - icy-pole - idea1a - ignorant - ignore - I-love-you - imagine1a - imagine1c - I-me1a - impossible1b - in-case - inch - income1a - income1c - incredible1a - independent1a - independent1b - India1a - India1b - india1c - indigestion1a - indigestion1b - Indonesia1a - indulgent - infinity - influence - injection1a - innocent - insect1a - insect1b - insert-coin1a - instant1a - instant1c - integral - intend.forehead - interest - interrupt - interview-microphone - intuition - invent - invent.hook1a - invisible1a - invite - invite-into1a - Ireland-shamrock - irritated - island - Italy.shape - its1a - itself1a - itself1b - itself1c - jack1a - jam1b - jealous1a - jellyfish1a - Jew1a - Jew1c - Jew.STH - jockey - joke1a - joke.NTH1a - just-for-fun - just-kidding - kid - kill - kind - kiwi1a - knockout - know - know-already - knowledgeable1a - knowledgeable1b - know-not1a - know-you1a - kookaburra - Korea - lady1a - last-night.NSW - last-night.STH - laugh1a - lazy.hip - learn.BSL - learner - learn.head1a - learn-lesson - lecture1a - left - left-side - leg1a - lemon - lemon.SA - lesbian - let's-see - liar - librarian - life1c - life1d - light-bulb1a - lightning1a - light-pale - light-source - like1a - like1c - likeable1a - like-not - line1b - line-umpire - lip - lipstick - listen - little1a - little1b - little-short1a - live1a - lizard - loan - logic - lolly - London - long-hair - long-sleeve - look1a - look-after1b - loose - Lord - lose-confidence - loud1a - loud1b - love-bite - lovely - lover - low-flat-surface1b - lucky1a - lucky1b - Luna-Park - lunch1a - maid1a - man1a - manual-car - Maori1a - marble - marlin - marron - mask.SE - masturbate-female - masturbate-male - matron.STH1a - MATTER-NOT - maybe - mean - meat - meat.neck - medal1a - medallion1a - Melbourne - member1b - member.SA - memorise - memory - menstruate-4th - mentally-disabled - messiah - metal-rock1a - microphone - milk.L - mind - mind-not - mind-you - minus-sign - minute-clockface1a - mirror - misinterpret1a - miss1a - missionary - missionary-go-forth - miss.QLD - mistake.NTH - mistake.QLD - mistake.TAS - misunderstand.overhead - mobile-phone1a - monarch - money-gesture1a - monkey.QLD - monomial - moon - more - Mormon - morning.NTH1a - morning.STH1a - morning.STH1b - mountain-hill - mountains1a - mouse1a - mouse-computer - mouse.SA - moustache - mouth - mug - mull-over1a - mum1a - mum-mute - Munich - murder - muscle1a - muscle1b - muscular1a - museum - must1a - must1b - must1c - mute - muzzle - my-mine1a - my-mine1b - my-mine-not - myself1a - myself1b - myself1c - myself1d - naive - naked1a - name1a - name1b - namesign-number - nasty - nasty-person - nausea - neat - necessary - neck - need1a - need1b - need1c - need1d - negro1a - neighbours - nephew - netball1a - Newtown - next1a - next-one1a - nibble - nice - niece - niece-nephew - nightdress - night.STH - nine - nineteen - ninth - no-good1a - no-good1b - no-harm - no-idea1a - no-idea1b - noise1a - none-of-one's-business1a - none-of-one's-business1b - noon - no-one - Norway - nose-big - not1a - not1c - not-care-less - nothing1a - nothing-there - notice-see - not-mind - not-mind.QLD - not-one - not-yet.elbow1a - nought - no-way1a - no-way1c - now-today1a - nude - nudge - number1a - number.chin1a - nurse-hospital - nurse.SA - nut - obliged1a - obvious - of-course - often1b - oh - oil1a - old1a - old1b - old-fashioned-past - oldmum - omega - once1a - once1b - one - one-eyed - one-more - one-penny - onion1a - on-site1a - oops - opera - opinion1a - opinion1d - oral1a - orange - orange-juice - order - orientating - orientation - ought-not - out1a - oval - oven - overlook - owe1a - owe.NSW - oyster1a - pager - pale - panic.WA - pants-trousers - parabola - parachute - pardon-me1a - parent - parsimonious - past1a - past1b - pat1a - path - patience1a - patience1c - peaked-hat - pear - pear.SA - peep1a - pencil - penis - penis.nose1a - penis.nose1b - pen.SE - people - people.manwoman - people.NTH - pepper - pepper-sneeze - percent1a - perfume1a - perfume.finger - perfume-spray - perhaps1a - perhaps1b - person1a - personality.ASL - Perth1a - pest - petrol.neck - petrol-smell1a - petrol.TAS - petticoat1a - philosophy1a - photo1a - photograph - pick-up1c - pick-up-bag - picnic.NSW - pictures-movies - pig - pillow.head - pimp - pimples - pin - pinafore.STH - pinch - pink.NTH1a - pink.STH - pip - pipe-smoke - pipe-tobacco - pirate - pirate-patch - piss-off - pi-symbol - pity - pizza - place-put1a - plain - plait1a - platypus - playroom - plead - please.nth - please-oneself1a - please.sth - pliers - pocket - point-dot1b - point-dot1c - point-dot1d - point-index - poison - poke - poker-machine - politics - polynomial - pong - poo - poofter1b - pope.CATHOLIC - portrait - Portugal - possible - posterior - pourer - pour-from - power - power.cubed - power.squared - prawn1a - preach - prefect - pregnant1a - pregnant.SE - premiers - pretend1a - pretty - previous-one - priest1a - prince - princess - principal - private.QLD - private-rank - prize - procrastinate - professional1a - profile - profit1a - profit1b - profit1c - progress-bar1a - promise1a - promise.lips - prop - prostitute - Protestant - Protestant.Scottish - proud - PT:BODY(CHIN) - PT:BODY(EYE) - PT:BODY(EYES) - PT:BODY(HIP) - PT:BODY(name) - PT:BODY(NOSE) - PT:BODY(THROAT) - PT:(BODY)TONGUE - PT:BODY(TOOTH) - pull1a - pupil - pure1a - pure1b - purple.STH1a - purple.WA - put1a - puzzle - pyjamas - quadruple.maths - quarter-fraction - question.ASL - quiet-shh1a - quince - quince.SA - rabbit1a - radio1a - railway-station - rainbow - randy - rat - ratio - ready1a - really - reason - reasonable - recent - rectangle - red.NTH - red.STH1a - red.STH1b - red.STH1c - referee1a - referee1b - refrigerator - relief1a - relieved - religion1a - relish - remember1a - remind1a - remind1b - remote-control - remove-separate1a - repeated - require1a - resent - reserve1c - resolute - responsible.SE - retreat - return1a - return-come - return-journey - reverse-in-vehicle1a - revolt - rhinoceros - rhubarb.SA1a - ribbon-medal1a - rid - ridiculous - right-angle-trace1a - right-correct1b - right-side - rightwards - right-yeah1b - ring-bell - ringing-phone - risky1a - risky1b - Roman-ancient - rooster.TAS - root - rough - rough-surface - rover - rub - ruck1a - rude1a - rude.SA - rugby-union - runny-nose1a - Russia1a - sad1a - sad1b - sago - Saint-Gabriels - Saint-Kilda - salt - salute - same.ASL1a - sand - Santa-Claus - sash - satisfy - Saturday.Catholic - sauce - saucepan - say-tell1a - say-tell1b - scared1a - scarf - Schadenfreude - schizophrenia1a - schnitzel - school - school-captain - scissors - scorching1a - Scotland.cheek1a - scout - scream - scribble1b - scribble.QLD - seal-one's-lips - search1a - seat-belt - secondary - second-date - second-hand - second-ordinal - secret - secret-my - see1a - seen - see-not1a - see-not1b - see-you-again - self-affix - selfish - selfish.SA - semester - send1a - send1b - send-out - senile1a - sense1a - sensible - sentence.SE - sequence1a - sergeant - serious1a - serviette-bib - seven - seventeen - seventh - sex.NTH - shame - shave - shave-head1a - shave-legs - shave-underarm - sheep1a - shepherd - shine1a - shirt1a - short1a - short-hair - shorts1a - short-sleeve1a - shot-put - should1a - should1b - shoulder1a - should-not - shout1a - show1a - shower - show-off.NTH - show-off.STH - show-off.WA - shut-up1a - shy1a - shy.TAS - sickie - sick-ill1a - side - sifter - sight1a - sightseeing - sigma - silly - silly.WA - silly-you - silver.flick1a - simmer1b - simple1a - sing1a - Singapore.ASL - single1a - single1b - single1c - single1d - single1e - single-minded - singlet - sink - siren - sister - SIT - six1a - SIX.BAD - sixteen - sixth - skim1c - skim1d - skim1e - skim1f - skinny - skirt1a - skivvy - sky1a - slap - slave1a - sleep1a - sleeve - sleeveless1a - slippers - sly1a - small.NSW - smart-bright1a - smell1a - smell.WA - smoke-cigarette - smoke-dope - SMS1b - snake1a - snake1b - snapper - sneeze - snob1a - soccer - soft - solicit - solid - some1a - sore1a - sorry - so.SE - sound - sour1a - spade1a - spaghetti1a - spaghetti1b - Spain1a - speak - speaking - spear - spectacles1a - speech1a - speech1b - speechless1a - spinach - spirit - spit - spoil1b - spout1a - spray-can1a - spring-warm - spurt1b - square - square-root - squash-sport - stab - stairs1a - star1a - start1a - statue1a - statue.SA - sticky-beak1a - sticky-beak.QLD - still.STH - stir1a - stomach - stop - straight - straighten-up1a - straighten-up1c - stranger.NSW - stranger.VIC - stripes - stroke-paralysis - stroke-pat - stupid - stupid.WA - success - suck - sue - suffer-fools - sugar1a - sugar.STH - suggest1a - summer - sums1d - sun - sunroof - suntan1a - superb - suppose - surprise1a - surprised - suspicion1a - suspicion1b - suspicion-imagine - swallow - swear1c - sweet1a - sweet-not - swipe-card - switch1b - switch-off1a - switch-on1a - switch-over1a - switch-over1b - Switzerland1a - sword - sympathy1a - take1a - take-in-experience - take-tablet1e - talcum-powder - talent1a - tall1a - tall1b - tap - tap-off - tap-on - tap-pay - tap-touch1a - tart - taste - taste-bad - taste-good - tattoo1a - taxi.lever1a - taxi-light1a - teacher - teeth - telephone - tell-tales - temper1a - tempt - temptation - ten1a - ten1b - ten.bend - tennis1b - terrified1a - Thailand - than - thank - their-theirs1a - theory1a - therefore1a - therefore1b - there-it-the-that1a - there-it-the-that1c - there-they-those1a - there-they-those1b - there-they-those1c - thermometer - theta - thick-headed - thick.VIC - thief1a - thief.NTH1a - thin - think1a - think-have - third - third-fraction - thirsty1a - thirsty1b - thirteen - thou - thousand1a - three - three-more - thrice1a - throb - throw1a - throw-up - thumbs-down - thy1a - tick1d - tiers - tight - tights - tiny1a - tired1a - tired1d - tithe - toilet.NTH - toilet.SA - toilet.VIC - tomato-sauce - tomato.TAS - tomorrow - tongue-long - tonight - tonsils - too-soon - toothache - toothbrush1a - topple-over - topple-over.thin - torch-hose - touch1b - tour-country1a - tour-country1b - traffic-lights1a - train1a - train's-gone - traverse-engine - triangle1a - trick1a - trinomial - tripe - triple - trip-wander1a - trolley-bus - trouble - trouble-not - trunk-bonnet - trust - try - TTY-phone - tumble-drier - turkey - turkey.NSW - turn - turn-down - turn-handle - turn-over1a - twelve - twice1a - twin1a - twin1b - twin-face - two - two-more - two-up - type-kind - typical1a - UFO1a - ugly1a - ugly1b - ugly.NSW - ugly.SA - ultrasound-scan - uncle.CATHOLIC - understand1a - understand.flick - unimportant - unplanned-pregnancy - unsolicited - upset-queasy - upset-unhappy1a - up-yours1a - up-yours1b - use1a - useless - user - Usher's-Syndrome - uterus - vagina - value.SE - vampire - vampire.V - vanish - vapour - vegetarian - velocity - vertical1a - vertical1d - vertical-flat-surface1a - vertical-flat-surface1e - very-sweet - view1a - virgin - visit-inspect1b - V-neck - voice1a - voice-larynx - voiceless - volume-sound - voluntary1a - volunteer1a - vomit1a - Waardenburg-Syndrome - waiter - wait-nothing - wait-stay1a - wake1a - Wales - wand - want1a - want1b - want-not - WARATAH - warm - warn - washing-machine.QLD - water.nth - water-polo - water.sth - wave1b - wave-hand - wee-wee1a - weird - well1a - wet-bed - wet-soft1a - we-us1b - we-us1c - whale1a - what1a - when - which-or1a - which-or1c - while1a - whip - whisper - whistle-hold - whistle-mouthpiece - white1a - white.NTH1a - white.WA - whiting - who - who.NTH - why-because1a - why.BSL - why-not - wild - wild-whacky - wilful - will1a - will-not1a - will-not1b - will-not1c - will-not1e - win1a - win1c - windowpane - wind-up-window - wine - wise1a - witch - witness1a - wolf1a - woman1a - woman-lady1a - womb - wonder - wonderful1a - word1a - word1b - worry1a - worry.SA - write1c - wrong - wrong-mind - yawn - yell1a - yell1b - yellow.NTH - yellow.STH - yell-scream1a - yell-scream1b - yes1d - yesterday.NTH - yesterday.STH1a - you1a - you-all1a - you-all1b - you-first - young1a - yourself1a - yourself1b - yourself1c - yourself1d - yourself1e - yourselves - your-yours1a - your-yours-not - your-yours-PL1a - Yugoslavia - zebra1a - zoom - zoom-off1a privateGlosses: - able.SE - Adam - adventure.SE - afraid.SE - Africa-black - afternoon.BSL - again-repeat1c - age-in-years - air1c - alive1c - alive1d - all1c - all1d - all1e - allow.SE - always1b - America-UncleSam - am.SE - and.SA1a - animal1b - any.SE - appetite.SE - aqua.SE - art-be - assume.ASL1a - ate.SE - attempt.SE - attitude1b - audiologist.SE - audiology-headphone1b - aunt.OBSOLETE - Australia-hat1b - automatic1b - automatic1d - avoid-dodge1b - awful-dismiss1b - awful.SA - background1c - back-of-body1b - bacon1b - bald1b - bald1c - Bangladesh - baptise-annoint - bark1b - battery1b - battery-hearing-aid - bay - beak.SE - beard1b - beard1c - beauty - beer1b - beer.NSW - beg1b - beg1c - began.SE - begun.SE - be.SE - beware.SE - bite1b - bite.SE - black1b - blanket1b - bless-cross1b - blew.SE - blow.SE - bodgie - boil1c - both1b - both1c - bother1b - both-pair1b - bounce1b - bow1b - bowel.SE - bowl1d - bowl.SE - bow-tie1b - boyfriend-girlfriend.WA - bra1c - Brazil - brief1b - brown1b - brown1c - bruise1a - bruise1b - Bulgaria - bullshit1b - bunch.SE - busybody - butter.obsolete - button1b - cable - cafe - cafeteria.SE - calculate.SE - can-able1b - Canberra.SE - canoe.SE - captain.SE - careful1b - case.SE - castle1b - caterpillar1b - cattle1b - cat-whiskers1c - ceiling.SE - celebrate1b - celery.SE - cervix.SE - chalk.SE - channel-TV1b - chastened1b - chatterbox - cheap1b - cheat.SE - cheer.SE - cheese1b - cheese.NTH - cherry1b - chicago - chicken-pox.SE - choke-car - choose1f - chop-down1b - christen1c - Christmas1b - Christmas.SE - class1c - claw1b - clean-scrub1b - clear1e - clever1b - cliff1b - close-call - close-shave.brush-past1a - close-shave.brush-past1b - close-shave.WA - clothes.palmup1b - cloth.SE - cloudy1b - clown1b - clown1c - club.WA - coast.SE - coat-hanger1b - coat-hanger1c - cock1b - collar1b - column-article1b - column-chimney1b - column-chimney1c - come1b - committee1b - common1b - common.SE - completely-gone1a - conceive.SE - confidential1b - confirm1c - continue1c - contraceptive.SE - copy1b - cordial1b - costume.SE - cot1b - country1b - couple1c - crack1b - crazy-about1b - crept.SE - crest1b - croak1a - croak1b - Croatia - cross-out1d - crustacean1b - cry1b - cunning.SE - cup1c - cute1b - cycle.SE - DAD - dance1b - dare1b - dare.SE - darling.SE - day1b - deaf1b - deaf-and-dumb1b - dear.SE - decide1c - delight.SE - dentist-filling1b - depth1b - deserve.SE - determination1b - devil1b - dew.SE - diagonal1e - dial1a - dial1b - diaphragm.SE - dice.SE - DID.SE - dine.SE - direction - disappoint1b - display1b - does.SE - done.SE - doorbell1b - DO.SE - double-talk1b - draw1b - draw.SE - dream1b - dream1c - dress1b - drew.SE - drink1b - drop1c - duty.SE - eat1b - eat-small-thing - educate1b - eighteen.F - eight.F - eighty - electricity1b - electricity.battery1b - electric-shaver1b - elephant1c - elephant1d - elephant1e - eleven.NTH - end directional verb - enlarge-lengthen - enough-plenty1b - erect.SE - estimate.SE - evangelism - exclamation-mark - expect.SE - extinguish-light1a - extinguish-light1b - face1b - facebook.nsw - face-resemble1b - facetime1a - facetime1b - factorial1b - family-area - famous1c - fang - far1b - far1c - fart1b - fashion1c - favour.SE - feather.SE - feel1c - felt.SE - few1b - field.SE - fifteen.NTH - FIFTY1a - FIFTY1b - fingerspell-onehand - finish-complete1b - finish-finally1a - finish.five1b - finish.good1a - flabbergasted1b - flabbergasted1c - flashing-light-alarm1b - flavour.SE - flew.SE - flirt.NSW - floral1b - flour.SE - flown.SE - flu1b - fly.SE - fly-undone - foetus.SE - forget1b - forget1c - forget.SE - for.STH1b - forty - found.SE - fourteen.NTH - fragrance1b - France.SA - France.SE - free1b - free-gratis1b - freeze1b - from1b - froze.SE - fruit1c - frustrated1b - frustrated.chin - fry.SE - FS:F.ASL - FS:F.ISL - FS:G.ASL - FS:G.ISL - FS:HI - FS:P.ISL - FS:Q.ASL - FS:Q.ISL - FS:T.ASL - fuck-damn1b - fuck-off1a - fuck-off1b - funny.QLD - furious - furious.SE - furniture1c - fussy1b - gallop1b - G:CALM-DOWN1a - general.SE - gentleman1c - German.STH - German.WA - get1c - giraffe.SE - girl1b - girl.NTH1b - girl.NTH1c - girl.NTH1d - give1b - glad.SE - glass-material.WA - go1b - go-forward1b - go-in-vehicle1b - go-in-vehicle1c - go-on1d - go-on1e - go-on1f - go-on1g - go-point1b - gossip1c - go-trace1b - go-up1b - graph1b - green.NTH1b - grin1b - ground.SE - growl1b - G:SNAP-FINGER1a - guess1b - guess.SE - guest.SE - guilty1b - gum.SE - gun1b - gun1c - gypsy - had.SE - hairdryer - halfpenny.NSW - Hamburg - handle.SE - hand-puppet1b - handshake1b - has.SE - hat-head1b - have-it - have-there - heal1b - hear1b - hear1c - hearing1b - hearing1c - hear-of1b - heat.SE - hello1b - herd.SE - here-it-this1b - here-they-these1b - here-they-these1c - her.SE - he.SE - high-flat-surface1b - him.SE - Hitler - hold1c - hold-nose1b - hold-on-a-sec - hold-thin1a - hole-outline1b - Holy-Communion - homosexual.hidden - homosexual.ISL - homosexual.SE - homosexual.V - honour.SE - hook1b - horizontal1c - horizontal-flat-surface1b - horns1b - horn.SE - humid1c - humid1d - hundred - hungry.WA1b - hunt.SE - hurt.SE - hussy - hypocrite1b - idea1b - idle1b - if.SE - imagine1d - imagine1e - I-me1b - impress1c - income1d - incredible1b - Indonesia1b - injection1b - injure.SE - insert-coin1b - instagram.SHAKEPIC - instant1b - intestine.SE - invisible1b - iron1b - is.SE - itch1c - its1b - it.SE - itself1d - jacket1a - jacket1c - Japan.J - jealous1b - jealous1c - jelly1b - jellyfish1b - jet.SE - Jew1b - Jew.OBSOLETE - joke1b - joke.NTH1b - joke.NTH1c - jumper-leads1b - just.SE - kid.SE - kill-oneself - kill-yourself - kindergarten.SE - kind.SE - king - King-David - kiss.O1b - kite.SE - kiwi1b - knew.SE - knock1b - know-you1b - Korea.K - label1b - ladder.SE - lady1b - lady.TAS - lake.SE - lamb.SE - language1b - LEAF.SE - lean1b - leap1a - leap1b - leave.SE - Lebanese - lecture1b - left.SE - leg1b - lemonade.SA - lesbian.ISL - lesbian.SE - let.SE - lift-up1b - light-bulb1b - likeable1b - lime.SE - line-text1b - lion.ASL - lit.SE - little1c - little-short1b - lock1c - lock1d - lock-up - locomotive1b - locomotive1c - locomotive1d - locomotive1e - long-ago1b - look-not - lose-hearing1b - lot1b - loud1c - low1b - lowercase - lung.SE - maid1b - Malta - man1b - maroon.SE - marvellous.SE - matron.STH1b - McDonald's1a - McDonald's1b - meat-flesh - medal1c - medallion1b - men - merry.SE - metal-rock1b - Mexico.SE - mice.SE - microphone.SE - might.SE - milk1b - millions - mind.SE - minister.SE - minute-clockface1b - miserable.SE - miss1b - mix1b - mobile-phone1b - modest.SE - money-gesture1b - monkey1b - mood.SE - mouse1b - moustache-thick1b - mug.SE - mum1b - mum1c - mum1d - mumps1b - my-mine1c - name1c - nasal - native.SE - neck.SE - need.SE - negro1b - nervous1b - netball1b - never-again - next-one1b - night1b - nightie.SE - nine.B - nineteen.B1a - nineteen.B1b - ninety - no1c - no1d - no-ball - nonsense.SE - nosey - not-yet1b - not-yet1d - not-yet.BSL1b - novel - now-here1b - number.chin1b - number.chin1c - nurse1b - oath1b - odd - of.SE - oil1b - opinion1b - opinion1c - oral1b - our-ours1b - oyster1b - painful - paint-picture1b - pan.SE - parallel.SE - pardon-me1b - parrot.SE - pass-in-front-of - pattern.SE - peep1b - percent1b - perfect1b - perfume1b - perhaps1c - perimeter.SE - period-from-to - permit.SE - person1b - Perth1b - pervert.SE - petticoat1b - philosophy1b - photo1b - photo1c - pick-up1b - picnic1b - piffle - piglet.SE - pink.NTH1b - pink.NTH1c - pity.SE - place-bet1b - plait1b - plait1d - please-oneself1b - plug1b - point.twist1b - Poland - Poland.PJM - pole-pipe1c - polite.SE - polo-neck - pond.SE - poofter1a - pool.SE - pork.SE - Portsea - potbelly1b - pound.STH - powder - prawn1b - present-ribbon1b - pretend1b - professional1b - profit.stuffedpockets1b - progress-bar1b - prohibit1b - PT:BODY(KNEE) - PT:BODY(STOMACH) - puberty.SE - puddle.SE - pull1b - punch1b - punch1c - pupil.SE - purple.STH1b - pyjamas.WA - queer.SE - quiet-shh1b - rabbit1c - race.SE - radio1b - rag.SE - rang.SE - reduce-hearing1b - region1b - registration-event - religion1b - remember1b - repent.CATHOLIC - require1b - require1c - resolve1b - respect1d - responsibility.SE - restaurant.SE - retire1b - return1b - reverse-in-vehicle1b - rhubarb.NSW - rhubarb.SA1b - ribbon1c - ribbon-medal1b - right-angle-trace1b - right-yeah1a - ring.SE - ripe.SE - rocket.SE - round.SE - row.SE - rub-polish1b - rub-polish1c - ruck1b - ruin.SE - rung.SE - Russia1b - Russia.ASL - said.SE - Saint-Paul - sang.SE - Saturday.QLD - saw1b - saw.SE - say-tell1c - scared1b - schizophrenia1b - schizophrenia.TWO - scorching1b - Scotland - Scotland.cheek1b - screen.SE - screwdriver1b - search-visor - seem.SE - see-not1c - see-not1d - senile1b - serious1b - serious.SE - seven.NTH - seventeen.NTH - seventy - several.SE - shake1b - shall.SE - shave-head1b - sheep1b - she.SE - shilling - shine1b - shirt1b - shock.STH - shone.SE - shoot.SE - short1b - shot.SE - shoulder1b - shut-up1b - shy1b - side-burns1b - simple1b - sing1c - sink.SE - six1b - sixteen.NTH - sixty1a - sixty1b - slacks.SE - slam.SE - sleep1c - sly1b - smell1b - smile1b - sneak.SE - snob1b - soil1a - some1b - sorry.rub1a - sorry.rub1b - soul - sour1b - sour1c - space.SE - spade1b - spaghetti-tinned.first - Spain1b - spare.SE - spat.SE - speech-therapy - spin-drier1b - spin.SE - spoke.SE - spoon-soup1d - spots1b - spot.SE - spout1b - spout1c - spout1d - spout1e - spray-can1b - spray-can1c - spray-gun1b - sprinkle-on1b - sprinkle-on1c - stairs1c - stand1b - stand-up1b - statue1b - straighten-up1b - strange.VIC - straw1b - strength.SE - strike1b - strong1e - study1b - sugar1b - suggest1b - summon1b - sums1c - sung.SE - sunk.SE - suntan1b - supermarket.SE - supervise1c - suppose.SE - suspicion.SE - sweet1b - swimming-costume1b - switch1a - switch-off1b - switch-on1b - Switzerland1b - Sydney-to-Hobart - table-tennis1b - tail - tail-wag1b - take1b - take-tablet1d - talent1b - talent1c - tap-touch1b - tap-touch1c - taught.SE - taxi.lever1b - taxi-light1b - tea1b - tease-joke1b - telephone-handset - tenpin-bowling - terrified1b - testicle.SE - Texas - than.SE - their-theirs1b - then.SE - theory1b - there-it-the-that1b - there-it-the-that1d - the.SE - they.SE - thick1c - thief.NTH1b - thief.VIC - think1b - thirteen.NTH - thirty - though1a - three.ASL - thrice1b - throw1c - throw1d - thy1b - tick1c - tie1b - tie1c - tiny1b - tired1b - toad.SE - toilet-chain - told.SE - tongue.SE - Toohey's - too.SE - toothbrush1b - torch.SE - to.SE - town.OBSOLETE - toy.SE - tracksuit.SE - trauma.ASL - trick1b - tricked - tried-already - turd - Turkey-Turkiye - turn-over1b - twelve.NTH - twenty - twenty.OBS - twice1b - two-shillings - UFO1b - understand1b - uniform.SE - unit.SE - urine.SE - use.chin - used-to.good1b - vacuum - vagina.SE - Vegemite-muscle - Venezuela - vertical1c - victim.SE - Vienna - Vietnam-Orient - view1b - violence - Virgin-Mary - visit-inspect1d - visit-inspect1e - vital.SE - vocabulary.SE - voice1c - volleyball1c - voluntary1b - vomit1c - wage.SE - waitress.SE - walk1b - walk1d - wardrobe1b - wardrobe1d - ward.SE - warm.NSW - was.SE - wear.SE - wee.SE - welder1b - were.SE - wet-soft1c - what-for - where1b - which-or1b - while1b - whinge.SE - whip-cream1b - white1b - white.NTH1b - whom.SE - whose.SE - why-because1b - wicked.SE - wife - will1b - will-not1d - wind-spin - wine.SE - wise1b - witch.SE - woke.SE - wolf1b - woman-lady1b - women.SE - word-text1b - wore.SE - worry1c - would.SE - wound.sore.SE - wound.wrap.SE - wristwatch1b - write1d - written.SE - yacht1b - yard.SE - yes1c - yesterday.STH1b - yesteryear1c - yesteryear1d - you1b - young1b - your-yours1b - your-yours1c - your-yours-PL1b - Zagreb - zero - zip1b - zoom-off1b

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