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{ "buildID": "z_CudTfgRl7AEak9fJ6HC", "entries": [ "I am so glad the AFL is back!", "Which team do you barrack for?", "Your dog is so cute. Can I pet it?", "I love pizza", "What is your favourite movie?", "What time is the appointment?\n", "What sport do you play?", "Can I come over?", "Thank you so much for my birthday present!", "What book are you reading at the moment?", "Do want to play on the iPad?", "Do you want to Skype now?", "Are you working from home?", "Do you want to ride your bike?", "Do you want to Skype now?", "My turn for the computer please", "What did you learn today?", "What present do you want for your birthday?", "How do I sign crazy?", "It was nice seeing you again", "What time is the appointment?\n", "What are we having for dinner?", "Do you want to go for a walk?", "I don’t like when it is raining!", "How are you feeling during lockdown?", "What are you having for dinner? ", "Can you drive a car?", "you are funny", "Anna is as tall as Irene", "Do you like to ski?", "Do you go snorkeling or scuba diving?", "Which fruit juice do you prefer?", "When will you be ready?", "The bus stop is next to the hotel.", "What time do you go to bed/get up?", "Do you play a musical instrument?", "What time is the game?", "I am getting better at signing in Auslan!", "When is your next meeting?", "I am fed up with lockdown.\n", "When do the school holidays start? ", "It is raining outside.", "Please be patient and have good listening", "What is your favourite restaurant?", "What do you like about home schooling?", "Do you look forward to going back to school?", "Do you look forward to COVID restrictions being lifted?\n", "Do you miss your friends? Do you miss your teachers?", "Did you win?", "Do you want to go for a walk?", "I can’t wait for Spring!", "Lego", "Lego", "Excuse me.", "Can I have some help please?\n", "I need a holiday!\n", "What is that for?", "What is that for?", "I would like to discuss with you the risks of this medical procedure.", "What is your dog’s name?", "I got paint on my face", "I love my family", "When will the kids be back at school? ", "The kids are so happy to be back at school soon.", "Looking forward to a nice picnic with our friends in the park.", "Do you want to catch up with your friend?", "What time to we have to be there?", "Would you like to have Pizza for dinner?", "Did you watch the game last night?", "Where do you live?", "People say that I'm tall, but I'm actually just average height for a woman.", "Do you get along well with your mother-in-law?", "I would like to suggest some more environmentally-friendly recycling techniques.", "Hello", "Good morning", "Good day", "Good afternoon", "Good evening", "Good night", "Goodbye", "Is it expensive?", "I want to donate to a charity", "Do you want to go to the skate park on the weekend?", "Do you like this playground?", "What is your favourite season?\nSummer is my favourite season.", "Are you enjoying being back at school?", "Let’s go and visit granny.", "I love picnics in the park.", "I am looking forward to Christmas", "I love Christmas!", "I would love a dog for XMAS!", "What are we having for dinner?", "Are you going away over Christmas?", "Do you have a special wish for Christmas?", "Are we going away over Christmas? ", "What game are you playing on the PlayStation?", "What school are you going to?", "I am so tired and looking forward to the holidays.", "Do you want a play date with your friend?", "Do you want to play a board game?", "Tell me about your work experience", "What's your star sign?", "What types of books do you like to read?", "How do you relieve stress? Walking? Yoga? Running? Going to the gym? ", "What's your favourite meal?", "Do you want to go get a drink?", "Would you like to go on a date?", "Do you suffer from hayfever?", "What do you think?", "What is your favourite Christmas meal?", "I have to go to a meeting now, sorry.", "We are doing some baking this weekend.", "Will there be parent teacher interviews this year?", "Are you watching the ABC news?", "Who is your favourite teacher?", "I love sparkling water better than still water.", "Where is your Christmas party?", "Would you like tea or coffee?", "Would you like tea or coffee?", "What book did you read at the moment?", "How do you celebrate Christmas?", "We are going to the park to play cricket.", "Can you please put sunscreen on?", "Can I have fish and chips please?", "Do you have time to catch up next week?", "The kids have to study maths today.", "Have you been a close contact?", "I had a lovely holiday?", "What is your cat's name?", "There was a big fire on Fraser Island.", "Hello", "Happy New Year!", "Merry Christmas", "Happy new year!", "I can't live without coffee! ", "I can't live without coffee! ", "Learning Auslan can be hard but so worth it! ", "Will you be watching the Australian Open Tennis?", "Have you watched anything good on Netflix recently?", "I am sorry, but I can’t come.", "Yesterday I went to the circus", "Do you want to take the kids to the circus?", "Are you okay?", "I'm feeling a little down today", "I'm new to learning Auslan", "Are you happy? ", "Do you enjoy cooking, or baking?", "Do you have any plans for Easter?", "I will be late for the meeting.", "These shoes are really nice.", "Can we have Fish and Chips please for dinner?", "Well done, that’s great!", "Do you enjoy online shopping?", "Have you cleaned your room yet?\n", "The floods in NSW are terrible!", "Have you watched the ABC news in Auslan?", "There is a storm coming,", "This is a great app to learn Auslan.", "There is a storm coming,", "How much do I owe you?", "Do you want pineapple on your pizza?", "Have you booked a holiday outside of Victoria yet? ", "There is a community event at the Melbourne Museum", "Have you watched the ABC news in Auslan?", "There is a storm coming,", "This is a great app to learn Auslan.", "Where is the carpark?", "It's cold, do you have a jacket?", "Where is the bathroom please?", "What do you have planned for the rest of the weekend?", "Did you drive here or catch public transport?", "How much do I owe you?", "I need to pick my son up from school", "I don't think that's a good idea...", " Were you waiting for a long time?", "Can I have another one, please?", "I'm leaving at 4pm today", "Welcome to the Melbourne Museum.", "Expression Australia ", "Do you want pineapple on your pizza?", "Please stop kicking the ball in the house. You could break something! ", "Green foods help your body fight off sickness. ", "Can I have another one, please?", "Thank you for your help!", "Green foods help your body fight off sickness. ", "That's a tough choice but I bet you'll figure it out. ", "It's ok to feel nervous. What will help you feel comfortable?", "Please stop kicking the ball in the house. You could break something! ", "I'm busting for the toilet", "Can I get you a drink?", "I'm busting for the toilet", "Do you want pineapple on your pizza?", "I don't think that's a good idea...", "Where is the carpark?", "There is a community event at the Melbourne Museum", "Where is the carpark?", "Have you watched the ABC news in Auslan?", "Where is the bathroom please?", "Can I have another one, please?", "Hello! How are you?\nI am good.", "Weather \nToday is sunny\nToday is rainy\nToday is windy\nToday is hot\nToday is cold etc ", "Can I help you with anything today?", "Fruit and vegetables ", "This is a great app to learn Auslan.", "I had a lot of fun!", "Do you have a pet?", "The cat sat on the mat. ", "OMG / oh my god / oh my gosh!", "I only know little auslan", "Can I help you? ", "Good afternoon", "I'm meeting someone here next week ", "Donuts are delicious!", "Ready to go?", "Ahh, now I get it", "I'm a bit of a bogan!", "Can I help you with anything today?", "Feel sad today", "Coffee where", "Hi, how are you?", "Hello! How are you?\nI am good.", "No, I don't want to", "Thanks for the opportunity to work with your team ", "I am trying to learn Auslan. Please be patient!", "The cat sat on the mat. ", "I only know little auslan", "Autumn?", "Donuts are delicious!", "She runs this organisation.", "I am feeling anxious.", "Are you feeling anxious? ", "what homework do we have?", "I don't feel like talking right now", "I like to do jigsaw puzzles ", "Would you like to go look at the moon and stars?", "what's your phone number?", "Welcome to the Melbourne Museum.", "Travel ", "Are you okay?", "There is a storm coming,", "Someone fell, how do I contact the ambulance?", "I am learning Auslan", "Do you want to come to the museum?", "Thankyou for your patience with me learning Auslan", "Do you want to come to my house?", "Are you from australia?", "Let’s go shopping", "I’m very excited!", "Can you please help me practice Auslan grammar and conversation?", "You jerk! (Slang sign when someone is being stupid)", "I want to show you something.", "When are you going home? ", "I don't know", "Hi, do you need cutlery?", "We are going to an appointment today", "What are you doing later?", "Are you coming to the meeting? ", "Let’s catch/meet up soon ", "What was the reason for the party?", "I'm leaving at 4pm today", "So lucky! (Slang sign not established sign please!)", "Welcome! It's nice to see you here. ", "I miss my parents overseas.", "I had a car accident and my car is broken.", "When is your birthday?", "Looking forward to the Expression Australia family event.", "Where is the nearest toilet please?! \n", "Emergency ", "Weather", "How are you?", "I’d rather not", "What is your favourite dinosaur?", "What is your pets name?", "Are you busy?", "What is your cats name?", "What is your birds name?", "Where do you live?", "What's your dog's name?", "I'm not sure", "Is that your dog?", "Please use your phone to contact trace.", "the alphabet", "No worries/not a problem!", "Sigs of different dates eg. 2nd June 2021", "How best do I learn about Deaf community?", "Sorry, that’s not for you", "Emergency ", "Thank you for your help!", "Lovely to see so many creators helping me learn Auslan. ", "Someone fell, how do I contact the ambulance?", "Are you busy?", "When is your birthday?", "I had a weird dream last night.", "Where is your favourite place to visit?", "Mum", "Dad", "Help", "Hungry", "that's really cool!", "how do you say \"animation\"?", "what's your favourite food?", "I'm doing well", "I'm ok! thank you!", "do you want to draw with me?", "how does that make you feel?", "may I please pass through?", "how do you say \"friends\"?", "what's your favourite colour?", "are you ok?", "do you have Discord?", "Hi how are you", "Are you alright?", "Want some help?", "How are you?", "Have a lovely day.", "Memar and poppy love you ", "Do you want to play with me?", "Hello how are you. I can sign Auslan a little", "I need to go to work today", "I can run quickly.", "I would like to begin by acknowledging the Traditional Owners of the land on which we gather today, and pay our respects to their Elders past, present, and emerging", "I'm not feeling well", "I'm really excited about camp!!!!", "I love dogs", "I am from Russia. ", "What is your background?", "You want more", "I want to travel to Japan.", "Grumpy bum", "Never\n", "I love you", "I am trying to learn Auslan. Please be patient!", "I love video games.", "Are you glad to be back at school?", "Travel ", "Can I take any plates/cups?", "What is your name?", "How are you?", "What is your favourite colour?", "I love you ", "What is your name?", "What are your symptoms?", "Cambodia", "Change attitudes towards and treatment of people with disabilities ", "CODA", "Teach the alphabet ", "Is there a sign for “circus”?", "Is there a sign for “gravity”? (Context... the force that pulls us to earth, so we don’t float away)", "Is there a sign for “gender”? eg, what is your gender identity? (Non-binary, transgender, etc?)", "How are you connected to the Deaf community?", "I'm taking my dog to the beach", "What's happening next?", "Take a big breath for me please", "What is your name?", "It's cold, do you have a jacket?", "Where is the carpark?", "Where is your pain?", "When is your birthday?", "Anzac Day is on 25th April, 2021", "Good afternoon", "Weather", "Hi ", "What is your favourite colour?", "I forgot", "Suspicious ", "I have anxiety ", "It was free\n(talking about the cost) ", "Are you free?\n(to come along, not to buy the person) ", "five plus ten equals fifteen \n5 + 10 = 15", "I like to dance", "2 x 6 = 12 \ntwo times three equals twelve ", "Where is the carpark?", "Nachos", "Shepherds Pie", "This/That is insane!", "She has returned from maternity leave. ", "Each autumn, we take down our shade sail. It is a big job.", "Each summer, we install a 10 metre long shade sail on the north side of the house", "Always try to be a little kinder than is necessary.", "Moot point/this is a moot point.", "I adore you/her/him.", "Mesmerising ", "Make the most out of it.", "Today I am feeling sick.", "Might not seem to care", "Superman - Ironman - Hulk - Captain America - Spiderman", "You're welcome", "TikTok (app)?", "She’s between jobs. ", "here are my social media pages", "It’s not a big deal. ", "Hello. My name is...", "Are you allergic to anything?", "Who do you have in your family? ", "what classes do we have today?", "Where is the toilet pls? ", "I am having a panic attack. I need help with taking deep breaths", "Can I have my food takeaway please", "I am a first aider, I’m here to help!", "Seasons - Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring\n", "What is your favorite animal at the Zoo? Elephant, giraffe, penguin?", "Signs of different times\n", "My appointment is at 12.30pm\n", "Where does it hurt? Who hurt you?", "Do you have any food allergies?", "When is your baby due?", "Would you like a soft drink? ", "What is your name? ", "Always was, always will be, Aboriginal Land (in northern dialect please)", "Can you describe your symptoms to me? ", "Sign for “potato”?", "Are you ready to party?!", "I'm staying late today", "It's time to go to your violin lesson", "Have a nice weekend ", "Haven’t seen you for a long time", "Today the real estate are doing an inspection to check the condition of my house", "Can we go to Grandma’s house?", "I saw a firetruck, rubbish truck and dump truck!", "Is there a sign for allergy or allergic? (especially for serious food allergies. Live in NSW but also interested in seeing signs from other states for comparison)", "My last holiday was in 2019.", "It was too hot, I burnt my tongue!", "Let's catch up on Zoom", "What did you do today? ", "How was your holiday?", "How was your weekend?", "Did you have fun at the party?", "How old are you?", "I'm not sure. Let me find out the answer and get back to you.", "I can't remember. Let me think about it and I'll get back to you.", "You are safe, you are okay. I will stay right here with you.", "What is your favourite holiday?", "Where you go for holidays", "Can you repeat that?", "You need to focus on your handwriting ", "I don’t understand ", "We are going to Queensland for a holiday.", "I don’t care about fashion but I’m passionate about sports.", "I can’t imagine what you’re thinking, just tell me. ", "That was clever/ smart", "I love you forever", "I don’t care about fashion but I’m passionate about sports.", "That's ridiculous (context for the slang sign please)", "how old are you?", "Congratulations on your wedding!", "Wanna watch Disney plus?", "Assume\n\"Don't assume you know the answer\"", "Have you done an escape room?", "what year level are you in?", "How are you today", "I want tacos", "Toilet", "My name is", "Instagram is a great social media app", "I saw an interesting documentary about how tanks are built", "What do you do on the weekends?", "Hi, do you need cutlery?", "What is your favourite colour?", "What did you do today? ", "Why are you frustrated/mad/sad?", "Don't touch, it's dangerous!", "I cut the tree with a chainsaw", "Train station", "Are you hungry?", "How many solar panels do you have on your roof?", "Out and about", "What's your role in your new job?", "How many solar panels do you have on your roof?", "What's your role in your new job?", "Is the house for auction or for sale? ", "Alternative medicine ", "I can jog, I can run, I can sprint.", "Believe", "I have questions to ask you? ", "Practice makes perfect.", "Who do you have in your family? ", "Where do you work now? ", "Are you busy tomorrow?", "My kids play soccer", "How do you cope with this?", "I regret my decision", "what do you like to read?", "I will let you know the results ", "Share / take turns", "Tonight (as used in Western Australia different to eastern states) ", "Do you catch up with friends? ", "I babysit a little boy", "Hello my name is", "Goodbye ", "Are you ok?", "-What are your pronouns?\n- Signs for pronouns (she/her, he/him, they/them)", "What are you doing?", "Still (as in continue)\n\"I still want to go to the movies today\"", "Jealous\n\"I am jealous of your new car\"", "Organise\n\"Today I organised my study notes\"", "Stay safe and healthy. Stay hydrated and work out often. Relax and meditate if you can.", "what results did you get for the test?", "How have you been? ", "Sarcastic joke", "Assessment marking criteria", "Step dad", "Key word sign", "What is the sign for ‘astronaut’ please?", "Mandarin (fruit)", "racism", "I think most of white people are white supremacy", "I have definitely experienced of racism in Australia.", "Today, I learnt... ", "We'll make do with that", "Do you need a nappy change? ", "Mostly we enjoyed each other’s company", "I'm 40 years old", "Let’s get down to business.", "let's get down to business ", "Give me one more night, one more night to get this...", "we've had a million, a million nights just like this..", "I like learning about all the planets in space. ", "My air conditioner is broken. Can you recommend someone to fix it?", "Let’s do a maccas run", "Please pass me the salt.", "I’m still learning Auslan, please be patient with me", "I need to insure my car. Which insurance company is best? ", "I lost (the game /competition) ", "can you repeat that?", "I like learning languages", "I am looking", "Can you sit down ", "I am better than you at horse riding.", "I can easily beat you at any sport. ", "Are you hungry?", "I found.... ", "Thank you ", "Thank you", "Ukraine", "Sorry, I need to leave early. ", "What would you like? Chicken nuggets, fish fingers, meat pie, spring rolls?", "That’s too rough. Please be gentle", "Do you have any allergies?", "not again!!", "At the Library we have children programs, maybe you could come?", "Sorry, I need to leave early. ", "Not my problem", "I made scones in the air frier. Yummy.", "I am deaf but I only know some Auslan. ", "Put on your shoes", "Make your bed", "That’s awesome!", "I don't like big crowds", "This is a pivotal moment in my life.", "Put up with someone or something. E.g. You’ll put up with the temporary drama from your teen.", "You’ll absolutely ace it! Or ace the interview!", "Download a copy.", "Stay home, protect yourself, Covid 19 kills.", "Will catch a bus today?", "What will we do today?", "Have you showered and shaved?", "No problem", "That was lucky ", "Good luck (to someone about to do something) ", "That was unlucky", "I lost (some object) ", "I found out... (learn something about person or situation) ", "Let’s hike to the caves and waterfall and back. Make sure you bring insect repellent.", "What type of books do you prefer? Mystery, suspense, romance, adventure, fiction or non fiction?", "I was told.... ", "This is my former colleague/coworker.", "Have the blood pressures (BP) and weights been done?", "Who needs physical assistance with feeding today? \n\n", "Have you been hacked?", "I have a glass window that is broken. ", " Leaves falling from trees", "Oh, I see", "Wow!", "How are you", "I will try", "what are you doing?", "how do you sign \"headscarf\"?", "I have to do my homework", "what subjects do we have today for school?", "you look beautiful today!", "we're all friends! yay!!", "I'll always be here for you", "you know we finally here right?!\n", "Can you please take off your mask?", "where are we?!", "Good Morning", "It's Friday then.\nThen Saturday Sunday what?!\nIt's Friday again!", "what are the signs for the months of the year?", "what are the signs for the days of the week?", "how do you sign \"Australia\"", "I want to become an interpreter", "The drawing is a self-portrait", "These lines are a guide and can be erased later", "Australian anthem", "Do you need any help finding a library book?", "I'm hungry, want to get lunch?", "There is 50-60 schools in W.A where hearing teachers are teaching hearing students Auslan with no curriculum, how do we change this?", "I have a lead pencil and a blue pen in my pencil case.", "This is my side gig.(or side job, not to mean casual or part-time)", "The other side of town", "My family and I are going on a trip to Uluru via caravan", "I am going to the shops.", "Welcome", "Colour ", "Put your shoes on please", "Where is your bag?", "I migrated to Australia in 1978", "happy birthday!", "I found.... ", "What’s your name ", "I love to travel to Mars", "Please may I join you? (if interrupting two people sitting at a table talking)", "I must be responsible", "I'm so excited", "I have done the laundry ", "Not my responsibility", "Haven't seen you long time ", "Good riddance", "Let's brush our teeth", "Oops", "Looks revolting", "Put your shoes on please", "Looks good ", "I love my cats!", "Which toy do you want? ", "Where's your toy? ", "Please stop this type of attitude. It make people feel unwelcome. ", "Do you want to read a book? ", "Can you get changed now please. \nYou can put this wetsuit on. ", "I would like to learn the Auslan signs for the Olympic sports please", "Hearing aids don't help\nme in noisy environments. ", "Not enough …\nToo much…", "Are you lost? Where are your parents?", "Would you like to go mountain biking?", "I am hard of hearing and going deaf. \n", "I couldn’t be bothered", "You are very patient.", "Hearing aids don't help\nme in noisy environments. ", "Thank you for watching my video. ", "I love my cats!", "Would you like to go mountain biking?", "I am hard of hearing and going deaf. \n", "Not good enough", "That was a total waste of time", "I couldn’t be bothered", "Code Red is a fire alert. We must evacuate. Please follow me. ", "Can I have waffles please?", "Yes and no, agree and disagree ", "Should we find another way of doing this?", "Code Red is a fire alert. We must evacuate. Please follow me. ", "Yes and no, agree and disagree ", "We can't go outside, it is raining.", "Where did you leave your shoes?", "Are you allergic to any medication?", "Let's order UBER eats", "Not yet ", "Count from 0-10", "Count from 10-100", "I am not fluent in Auslan yet…", "I'm sick, in pain, I need a interpreter now!", "It happened suddenly.", "Please cut the grapes in half otherwise the kids might choke.", "What kind of food do you like to cook?", "Where do you want to go for lunch today?", "How is your day going?", "You misunderstood me.", "January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December", "My comfort food is hot rice with melted butter and soy sauce.", "I'm going to catch an UBER home", "Bless you", "It is your right to learn how to communicate.", "We endeavour to do well. ", "We have integrity.", "How was your week? ", "Hello I am the Women’s Individual Needs Midwife ", "My name is Cherise", "Hello, how are you?", "How many weeks pregnant are you? ", "Do you need an AUSLAN interpreter? ", "Unfortunately there is no AUSLAN interpreter available today ", "Unfortunately there is no AUSLAN interpreter available today ", "I am waiting for the AUSLAN interpreter to arrive", "I have just started learning AUSLAN", "It’s been lovely to see you today", "We have an AUSLAN interpreter on the video Telehealth screen. There is no face to face interpreter available today ", "Can you do video Telehealth appointments? ", "I will send you the link to your phone just tap on it to join your video Telehealth appointment", "Would you prefer I email or text the link?", "Text", "Is this your phone number ? ", "Is this your email address? ", "You next appointment is…", "You are seeing a doctor today", "Please take a seat.", "It's up to you. (Your choice)", "Do you need a deaf relay interpreter also", "What’s your first name? \nWhat’s your last name? \nWhat’s your phone number? \nThanks for helping with contact tracing. ", "Can you check in please with your phone? ", "Can you check in please with your phone? ", "It was a honest mistake. We’ve moved on now.", "The Tarbosaurus lived 70 million years ago.", "The Tarbosaurus had sharp teeth and ate meat.", "It's up to you. (Your choice)", "Hanging out with friends.", "Your face looks familiar. Have we met before?", "Now I remember", "Stop being sarcastic.", "It happened suddenly.", "It happened suddenly.", "I’m proud of you", "What can you see? ", "Australia", "Australia", "The Tarbosaurus lived 70 million years ago.", "The Tarbosaurus had sharp teeth and ate meat.", "Ill have the kids for the weekend", "Which political party should I vote for? Nationals, labor, liberal, greens, family first, one nation or another party?", "The Tarbosaurus lived 70 million years ago.", "The Tarbosaurus had sharp teeth and ate meat.", "We are making popcorn today ", "Raspberry, blackberry, blueberry, mango", "You, inspired me. Thank you!😊", "Are you moving to Tasmania permanently or temporary?", "When will lockdown end?", "You are a great teacher", "Have you been watching the Olympics?", "What appeals to you the most?", "You are amazing", "Another COVID outbreak", "You, inspired me. Thank you!😊", "Somebody ", "i'm overwhelmed", "Do you want a drink", "Are you feeling better?", "What do you want for dinner?", "Who wants to play hide and seek?", "I am Autistic", "please don't touch me", "I'm having a panic attack", "I can't breathe", "I can't talk / I'm finding it hard to talk right now", "I miss hanging out with friends. Hopefully soon! ", "Guess how old I am", "How to sign for cornflower vegetable, please?", "They have a lot in common.", "I can help you!", "can I help you?", "do you want a hug?", "Help me nanny", "Are you thirsty", "Are you hungry", "I love you ", "I love hanging out with my friends", "Smoke alarm", "Your welcome", "Would you like fries and a drink with that burger? ", "What would you like to order? ", "I know only a little bit of Auslan. ", "Welcome, can I take your order please? ", "Baby do you want a bottle?", "Just make sure you turn left before the dentist.", "Oh wow, your still here!!!", "Desperate...(as in people are desperate to get out of Afghanistan.)", "I like rock music. \nWhat genre of music do you like?", "Coffee is my life", "I need wine", "Why not", "Santa is coming", "I'm feeling anxious ", "how did you learn auslan?", "i love you too", "could you get me a drink?", "What do you want for dinner?", "Who wants to play hide and seek?", "I am Autistic", "\"awesome!\"", "Just incase (southern dialect please)", "I love it!", "Only/just. (Like only this/just one etc) victorian/southern dialect", "You can wash your hands here.", "How long have you lived in the area ?", "I'm feeling anxious ", "Why not", "I need wine", "Desperate...(as in people are desperate to get out of Afghanistan.)", "Make some popcorn, put up your feet and watch an old movie. ", "I will look forward to seeing you", "Quarantine", "May I please ask you a question?", "There is no rapid antigen tests in stock. \nWe have run out of rapid antigen tests today. ", "How was your Christmas?", "What's wrong? ", "Do you like swimming?", "I love to play chess.", "What do you mean?", "Do you want to meet face-to-face or online?", "Use Auslan grammar - not English please. ", "What happened? Vic " ] }