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{ "buildID": "vgjVzpkcqlUQxyVPCkiZU", "entries": [ { "id": "oops", "title": "boo-boo, oops", "published": true, "words": [ "boo-boo", "oops" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/oops.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#175 oops", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/oops.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "vic", "b92.directional", "lexis.regional", "phonology.onehand" ], "body": "As a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To make a slight mistake, especially overlooking or forgetting something. Idiomatic English = boo-boo, make a boo-boo.\nInteractive:\n 1. Used alone to indicate that there has been a slight accident or mistake. English = 'Oops!'", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/mp4video/24/2460_1.mp4", "version": "\"0773102b8ba162892eba05585ad1c9f0\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/oops-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653016973289, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/oops-0-x264-512x288.mp4", "duration": 2.979, "byteSize": 49132 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/oops-0-vp9-640x360.webm", "duration": 2.979, "byteSize": 112801 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647690493000 }, { "id": "opaque", "title": "opaque", "published": true, "words": [ "opaque" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/opaque.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#1221 opaque", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/opaque.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "b92.directional", "lexis.restricted-lexeme", "morph.directional-sign", "morph.orientating-sign", "phonology.dominant-hand-only", "phonology.two-handed" ], "body": "As a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. Of an object or substance, to be unable to see through it. English = (be) opaque.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/mp4video/16/16970_1.mp4", "version": "\"958ad19840cd00a9fac302e12ad7cc6f\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/opaque-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653016985377, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/opaque-0-x264-512x288.mp4", "duration": 3.282, "byteSize": 65829 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/opaque-0-vp9-640x360.webm", "duration": 3.314, "byteSize": 137800 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647689030000 }, { "id": "order", "title": "order (command), instruction, command", "published": true, "words": [ "order", "command", "instruction", "command" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/order.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#429 order", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/order.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "b92.directional", "lexis.signed-english", "morph.end-directional-sign", "phonology.onehand", "semantic.language-act" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. The act of telling someone to do something with the expectation that they will obey you. English = order.\n 2. The actual instruction or instructions you give to someone and which you expect them to follow. English = order, instruction.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To tell someone to do something with the expectation that they will obey you. English = order.\n 2. To ask for something, which you are going to pay for, to be brought to you or sent to you. English = order, put on order, place an order.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/mp4video/61/6120_1.mp4", "version": "\"8abe2a038bc7cb1c5db2ea86ab0562e9\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/order-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653016998836, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/order-0-x264-512x288.mp4", "duration": 2.667, "byteSize": 43962 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/order-0-vp9-640x360.webm", "duration": 2.666, "byteSize": 96479 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647699403000 }, { "id": "overalls", "title": "overalls, boiler suit", "published": true, "words": [ "overalls", "boiler", "suit" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/overalls.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#3376 overalls", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/overalls.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "b92.directional", "iconicity.translucent", "phonology.double-handed", "phonology.symmetrical", "semantic.clothing" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. A piece of clothing consisting of trousers and a top that are joined together in one piece, which people wear when they are working in order to keep their ordinary clothes clean. English = overalls, boiler suit.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/mp4video/48/48230_1.mp4", "version": "\"9b0fdb746e39ceaa7b060cb59161abcd\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/overalls-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653017009037, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/overalls-0-x264-512x288.mp4", "duration": 3.267, "byteSize": 55803 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/overalls-0-vp9-640x360.webm", "duration": 3.287, "byteSize": 124526 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647696126000 }, { "id": "overlook", "title": "overlook, disregard, neglect, omission, omit", "published": true, "words": [ "overlook", "disregard", "neglect", "omission", "omit" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/overlook.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#1567 overlook", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/overlook.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "b92.directional", "phonology.onehand", "semantic.mind" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. A mistake which is the result of failing to see or be aware of, or failing to realise the importance of, a fact or a problem.\n 2. Something which has not been included through a mistake or by being overlooked. English = omission.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To fail to see or be aware of, or fail to realise the importance of, a fact or a problem. English = overlook, disregard, neglect.\n 2. To forget to include something. English = omit.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/mp4video/23/23750_1.mp4", "version": "\"1ffcff435b8c7bd1e786a8607bfc7449\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/overlook-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653017021590, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/overlook-0-x264-512x288.mp4", "duration": 3.333, "byteSize": 55819 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/overlook-0-vp9-640x360.webm", "duration": 3.36, "byteSize": 129599 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647690253000 }, { "id": "owl", "title": "owl", "published": true, "words": [ "owl" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/owl.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#3361 owl", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/owl.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "b92.directional", "lexis.signed-english", "phonology.double-handed", "phonology.symmetrical", "semantic.animal" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. A bird with a flat face and large eyes, which hunts small animals at night. English = owl.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/mp4video/48/48040_1.mp4", "version": "\"e444218239157f3fbc036ca436bb3c01\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/owl-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653017035328, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/owl-0-x264-512x288.mp4", "duration": 3.652, "byteSize": 69781 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/owl-0-vp9-640x360.webm", "duration": 3.653, "byteSize": 152281 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647696087000 }, { "id": "oyster1a", "title": "oyster", "published": true, "words": [ "oyster" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/oyster1a.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#4529 oyster1a", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/oyster1a.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "b92.directional", "phonology.onehand", "semantic.animal", "semantic.food" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. A large, flat shellfish that can be eaten. Some varieties produce pearls. English = oyster.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/mp4video/65/65700_1.mp4", "version": "\"1acb614018597b1ef25543661ab4e9ce\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/oyster1a-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653017049767, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/oyster1a-0-x264-512x288.mp4", "duration": 3.092, "byteSize": 49897 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/oyster1a-0-vp9-640x360.webm", "duration": 3.092, "byteSize": 113833 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647700878000 }, { "id": "parent", "title": "parent, parents, parental", "published": true, "words": [ "parent", "parents", "parental" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/parent.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#1306 parent", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/parent.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "b92.directional", "lexis.signed-english", "phonology.onehand", "semantic.family" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. Your mother or your father, or both. English = parent, parents.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To come from or relate to parents in general, or to come from or relate to one or both of the parents of a particular child, especially in the sense of caring and loving children. English = (be) parental.\nNote:\n 1. Some younger signers accept this as an everyday Auslan sign, but the majority of deaf Auslan signers, especially older signers, use the other sign that matches the key word ‘parent that is also listed here in Signbank.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/mp4video/18/18110_1.mp4", "version": "\"a8b606e5aff22a11e83b0874b0591510\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/parent-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653017061936, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/parent-0-x264-512x288.mp4", "duration": 2.66, "byteSize": 45821 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/parent-0-vp9-640x360.webm", "duration": 2.661, "byteSize": 99283 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647689277000 } ] }