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{ "buildID": "vgjVzpkcqlUQxyVPCkiZU", "entries": [ { "id": "umbrella", "title": "umbrella", "published": true, "words": [ "umbrella" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/umbrella.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#3985 umbrella", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/umbrella.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "corpus.attested", "iconicity.transparent", "lexis.signed-english", "phonology.dominant-hand-only", "phonology.double-handed" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. An object which you carry to protect yourself from the rain. It consists of a long stick with a folding frame covered in cloth. English = umbrella.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To open or use an umbrella.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/mp4video/58/58140_1.mp4", "version": "\"14dc80cbe94189da24ba522a624a2d70\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/umbrella-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653081553439, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/umbrella-0-x264-512x288.mp4", "duration": 3.911, "byteSize": 65119 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/umbrella-0-vp9-640x360.webm", "duration": 3.911, "byteSize": 146088 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647698170000 }, { "id": "uncle", "title": "uncle", "published": true, "words": [ "uncle" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/uncle.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#3497 uncle", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/uncle.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "corpus.attested", "lexis.signed-english", "phonology.double-handed", "phonology.symmetrical", "semantic.family" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. The brother of your mother or father, or the husband of your aunt. English = uncle.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/mp4video/50/50070_1.mp4", "version": "\"895601f05f65200182475c3f71762ab8\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/uncle-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653351356980, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/uncle-0-x264-512x288.mp4", "duration": 3.499, "byteSize": 65995 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/uncle-0-vp9-640x360.webm", "duration": 3.523, "byteSize": 139970 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647696544000 }, { "id": "unclear", "title": "obscurity, haziness, hazy, obscure, unclear, murky", "published": true, "words": [ "obscurity", "haziness", "hazy", "obscure", "unclear", "murky" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/unclear.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#1730 unclear", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/unclear.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "corpus.attested", "phonology.dominant-hand-only", "phonology.double-handed", "semantic.quality" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. Difficulty in seeing something because of poor light, haziness or dirt. English = obscurity.\n 2. A dirtiness in the air which reduces visibility. English = haziness.\n 3. An idea which is difficult to think about or explain because it is not precise or exact enough. (A borrowing from ASL in this sense.)\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. Of glass, to be difficult to see through because it is not clear or clean.\n 2. To be difficult to see through the air or to see something in the distance because the air is full of dust, haze or mist. English = (be) hazy, (be) obscure, (be) unclear.\n 3. Of an idea, to be difficult to think about easily because it is not precise or exact enough. (A borrowing from ASL in this sense.) English = (be) unclear, (be) hazy, (be) obscure.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/auslan/25/25940.mp4", "version": "\"93a14547944402fbcb2f317cdadba169\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/unclear-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653355024417, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 320, "height": 240, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/unclear-0-x264-320x240.mp4", "duration": 6.351, "byteSize": 58419 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 320, "height": 240, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/unclear-0-vp9-320x240.webm", "duration": 6.35, "byteSize": 80209 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647683386000 }, { "id": "uncle.CATHOLIC", "title": "uncle", "published": true, "words": [ "uncle" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/uncle.CATHOLIC.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#1376 uncle.CATHOLIC", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/uncle.CATHOLIC.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "corpus.attested", "lexis.marginal", "phonology.onehand", "religion.catholic", "religion.catholic-school", "semantic.family" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. The brother of your mother or father, or the husband of your aunt. English = uncle.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/mp4video/19/19260_1.mp4", "version": "\"326f0942622acf015e64a23525d3f406\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/uncle.CATHOLIC-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653118043820, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/uncle.CATHOLIC-0-x264-512x288.mp4", "duration": 2.36, "byteSize": 47469 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/uncle.CATHOLIC-0-vp9-640x360.webm", "duration": 2.393, "byteSize": 103027 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647689510000 }, { "id": "under", "title": "underside, under, underground", "published": true, "words": [ "underside", "under", "underground" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/under.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#2903 under", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/under.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "corpus.attested", "iconicity.translucent", "lexis.signed-english", "morph.begin-directional-sign", "morph.locational-and-directional", "morph.orientating-sign", "phonology.dominant-hand-only", "phonology.double-handed" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. The part of something that normally faces towards the ground. English = underside.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To be located directly below or beneath something. English = (be) under.\n 2. To move so that you are located directly below or beneath something. English = go under.\n 3. To be located under the surface of the ground. English = (be) underground.\n 4. To be in the power or control of a particular person or government. English = (be) under.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/mp4video/41/41270_1.mp4", "version": "\"8ea91071a556830cc0aa71022ce690bd\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/under-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653079457054, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/under-0-x264-512x288.mp4", "duration": 3.8, "byteSize": 68012 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/under-0-vp9-640x360.webm", "duration": 3.801, "byteSize": 149524 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647694666000 }, { "id": "understand1a", "title": "understanding, comprehension, understand, comprehend", "published": true, "words": [ "understanding", "comprehension", "understand", "comprehend" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/understand1a.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#344 understand1a", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/understand1a.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "corpus.attested", "lexis.signed-english", "phonology.onehand", "semantic.mind" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. The act or state of having knowledge about what someone means when they communicate with you. English = understanding, comprehension.\n 2. The act or state of having knowledge about what is happening and why it is happening, particularly when this involves the behaviour of other people. English = understanding.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To know what someone means when they communicate with you. English = understand, comprehend.\n 2. To know what is happening or why it is happening, especially concerning the behaviour of other people. English = understand.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/auslan/49/4940.mp4", "version": "\"15a3df0b549ba3e5c080f916469b6960\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/understand1a-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653351367973, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 320, "height": 240, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/understand1a-0-x264-320x240.mp4", "duration": 4.071, "byteSize": 41131 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 320, "height": 240, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/understand1a-0-vp9-320x240.webm", "duration": 4.071, "byteSize": 45964 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647685599000 }, { "id": "understand.flick", "title": "understanding, comprehension, realisation, understand, comprehend, realise", "published": true, "words": [ "understanding", "comprehension", "realisation", "understand", "comprehend", "realise" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/understand.flick.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#4362 understand.flick", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/understand.flick.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "corpus.attested", "lexis.signed-english", "phonology.onehand", "semantic.mind" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. The act or state of having knowledge about what someone means when they communicate with you. English = understanding, comprehension.\n 2. The act or state of having knowledge about what is happening and why it is happening, especially when this involves the behaviour of other people. English = understanding.\n 3. The act of becoming aware of something. English = realisation.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To know what someone means when they communicate with you. English = understand, comprehend.\n 2. To know what is happening or why it is happening, especially concerning the behaviour of other people. English = understand.\n 3. To become aware of something. English = realise.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/mp4video/63/63360_1.mp4", "version": "\"5862b360a5fe3a8b910a9206e616ece6\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/understand.flick-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653351361966, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 384, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/understand.flick-0-x264-384x288.mp4", "duration": 7.12, "byteSize": 91997 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 480, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/understand.flick-0-vp9-480x360.webm", "duration": 7.12, "byteSize": 237226 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647700134000 }, { "id": "university.study", "title": "university, examination, studies, examined, examine, study", "published": true, "words": [ "university", "examination", "studies", "examined", "examine", "study" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/university.study.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#1885 university.study", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/university.study.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "corpus.attested", "iconicity.opaque", "lexis.signed-english", "phonology.alternating", "phonology.double-handed", "phonology.symmetrical", "semantic.education" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. An institution where students study for degrees and where academic research is done. English = university.\n 2. A formal test that you take to show your knowledge or ability in a particular subject. English = examination.\n 3. Formal learning you do at a university about a particular subject. English = studies.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To undergo a formal test that you take to show your knowledge or ability in a particular subject. English = (be) examined.\n 2. To formally test someone to assess their knowledge or ability in a particular subject. English = examine.\n 3. To spend time learning about a particular study, especially at a university by attending lectures or reading books carefully. English = study.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/mp4video/27/27970_1.mp4", "version": "\"93282ed67bdb75212ea7db47c432737b\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/university.study-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653054633297, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 384, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/university.study-0-x264-384x288.mp4", "duration": 5.76, "byteSize": 94013 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 480, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/university.study-0-vp9-480x360.webm", "duration": 5.76, "byteSize": 209440 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647691334000 } ] }