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{ "buildID": "vgjVzpkcqlUQxyVPCkiZU", "entries": [ { "id": "blank1b", "title": "blank, bare, empty, deserted", "published": true, "words": [ "blank", "bare", "empty", "deserted" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/blank1b.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#319 blank1b", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/blank1b.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "iconicity.obscure", "lexis.varlex", "morph.directional-sign", "morph.orientating-sign", "phonology.dominant-hand-only", "phonology.two-handed", "workflow.redo-video" ], "body": "As a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. Of a surface or object, to have nothing on it, or to not be covered or decorated with anything. English = (be) blank, (be) bare.\n 2. Of a place, to have no people in it. English = (be) empty, (be) deserted.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/mp4video/45/4590.mp4", "version": "\"18497a31428d5c37a022913e142afc13\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/blank1b-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653056000296, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 384, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/blank1b-0-x264-384x288.mp4", "duration": 4.147, "byteSize": 164908 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 480, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/blank1b-0-vp9-640x480.webm", "duration": 4.164, "byteSize": 174730 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647695670000 }, { "id": "bless.flick1a", "title": "blessing, bless", "published": true, "words": [ "blessing", "bless" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/bless.flick1a.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#4341 bless.flick1a", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/bless.flick1a.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "iconicity.obscure", "lexis.signed-english", "phonology.double-handed", "phonology.parallel", "phonology.symmetrical", "religion.religion", "workflow.problematic" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. The act of priest asking for God's favour and protection for people and things. English = blessing.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. Of a priest, to ask for God's favour and protection for people or things. English = bless.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/auslan/63/63120.mp4.bak", "version": "\"2ba8814ba004634b16327329d7a3c6fc\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/bless.flick1a-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653056023638, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 320, "height": 240, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/bless.flick1a-0-x264-320x240.mp4", "duration": 0.783, "byteSize": 12906 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 320, "height": 240, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/bless.flick1a-0-vp9-320x240.webm", "duration": 0.81, "byteSize": 11892 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647686864000 }, { "id": "blister", "title": "blister, boil, cyst", "published": true, "words": [ "blister", "boil", "cyst" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/blister.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#157 blister", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/blister.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "iconicity.obscure", "lexis.gensign", "lexis.signed-english", "morph.body-locating", "phonology.dominant-hand-only", "phonology.two-handed", "semantic.health" ], "body": "General Definition:\n 1. A round protrusion or swelling on the body, such as a cyst or boil, or anything or any action directly or indirectly associated with this, especially a blister.\nAs a Noun:\n 1. A painful swelling containing clear liquid on the surface of your skin, often the result of burning or rubbing. English = blister.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To have blisters.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/auslan/21/2180.mp4", "version": "\"86ab966db5c852d4b50a7bf9c19e8c8c\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/blister-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653056026898, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 320, "height": 240, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/blister-0-x264-320x240.mp4", "duration": 6.774, "byteSize": 74276 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 320, "height": 240, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/blister-0-vp9-320x240.webm", "duration": 6.774, "byteSize": 114495 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647683074000 }, { "id": "block-stop", "title": "blockage, obstacle, trap, seizure, stoppage, prevention, block (stop), obstruct, trapped, stuck, prevent, bind", "published": true, "words": [ "blockage", "obstacle", "trap", "seizure", "stoppage", "prevention", "block", "stop", "obstruct", "trapped", "stuck", "prevent", "bind" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/block-stop.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#4047 block-stop", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/block-stop.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "iconicity.obscure", "phonology.double-handed", "phonology.parallel" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. A place where something is blocking a pipe, tube, channel, road, or way; something that makes it difficult to go where you want to go or do what you want to do. English = blockage; obstacle.\n 2. Something such as a piece of equipment or a hole that is carefully positioned in order to catch animals or birds; a trick that is intended to catch or deceive someone. English = trap.\n 3. The condition where a device that normally has moving parts suddenly stops working and the parts do not move. English = seizure, stoppage.\n 4. The act of stopping or not allowing something to happen. English = prevention.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To put something across a road, channel, pipe, or way so that nothing can get through or to stop; to not allow something happening. English = block, obstruct; prevent.\n 2. To catch an animal, bird or person using a trap. English = trap.\n 3. To be caught in an unpleasant situation, or to be unable to move; of an engine or a device that has moving parts, to stop normal functioning. English = (be) trapped, (be) stuck; seize up, (be) stuck.\n 4. To tie a piece of string or rope tightly round someone's hands; of hands, to be tied tightly together with string or rope. English = bind; (be) bound.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/auslan/59/59050.mp4.bak", "version": "\"fd31e8e7e07655f27fb3b8fd87beab5f\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/block-stop-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653056050643, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 320, "height": 238, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/block-stop-0-x264-320x238.mp4", "duration": 0.597, "byteSize": 9863 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 320, "height": 238, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/block-stop-0-vp9-320x238.webm", "duration": 0.626, "byteSize": 9567 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647686521000 }, { "id": "blood1b", "title": "blood", "published": true, "words": [ "blood" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/blood1b.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#426 blood1b", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/blood1b.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "iconicity.obscure", "lexis.varlex", "phonology.onehand", "workflow.redo-video" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. A red liquid that flows inside your body. English = blood.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/mp4video/60/6080.mp4", "version": "\"1a5719cd6c73fdf2eb4227e6cea3c094\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/blood1b-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653056053171, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 384, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/blood1b-0-x264-384x288.mp4", "duration": 4.701, "byteSize": 162764 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 480, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/blood1b-0-vp9-640x480.webm", "duration": 4.72, "byteSize": 191766 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647699287000 }, { "id": "blue.NTH", "title": "blue", "published": true, "words": [ "blue" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/blue.NTH.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#1324 blue.NTH", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/blue.NTH.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "qld", "nsw", "act", "iconicity.obscure", "lexis.regional", "phonology.dominant-hand-only", "phonology.two-handed", "semantic.color" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. A colour that is the same as the colour of the sky on a sunny day. English = blue.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To have the colour of something that is the same as the colour of the sky on a sunny day; or to make something that colour. English = (be) blue; make blue.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/mp4video/18/18480_1.mp4", "version": "\"560a6c2c5a83052468d79e8fcba2826c\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/blue.NTH-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653056077850, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 384, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/blue.NTH-0-x264-384x288.mp4", "duration": 6.76, "byteSize": 85808 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 480, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/blue.NTH-0-vp9-480x360.webm", "duration": 6.76, "byteSize": 227820 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647689335000 }, { "id": "board.flat", "title": "blackboard, board", "published": true, "words": [ "blackboard", "board" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/board.flat.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#2314 board.flat", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/board.flat.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "iconicity.obscure", "lexis.gensign", "lexis.signed-english", "phonology.onehand" ], "body": "General Definition:\n 1. Any kind of vertical flat surface, such as a notice-board, partition, screen, fence or wall, or any action or thing directly or indirectly related to this, especially board or blackboard.\nAs a Noun:\n 1. A dark-coloured board in a classroom, which teachers write on with chalk. English = blackboard.\n 2. A rectangular piece of wood set up so that it is vertical and on which something can be written, put, spread out, or cut. English = board.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To erect any kind of vertical flat surface over or around something.\n 2. Of a disused house or building, to cover the windows and doors with wood to prevent people getting in. English = board up.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/mp4video/33/33560_1.mp4", "version": "\"e0e4e7eb367d413bf29836a963417e04\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/board.flat-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653056097754, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/board.flat-0-x264-512x288.mp4", "duration": 3.106, "byteSize": 42548 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/board.flat-0-vp9-640x360.webm", "duration": 3.106, "byteSize": 101169 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647692733000 }, { "id": "bomb1a", "title": "explosion, bang, bomb, destruction, bombing, explode, blow up, destroy, burst", "published": true, "words": [ "explosion", "bang", "bomb", "destruction", "bombing", "explode", "blow", "up", "destroy", "burst" ], "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/bomb1a.html", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "https://www.auslan.org.au/" ], [ "Dictionary", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/" ], [ "#3935 bomb1a", "https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/gloss/bomb1a.html" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "iconicity.obscure", "lexis.signed-english", "phonology.double-handed", "phonology.symmetrical" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. A sudden violent burst of energy. English = explosion.\n 2. A loud noise such as the noise of an explosion. English = bang.\n 3. A device which explodes and damages or destroys a large area. English = bomb.\n 4. The act of destroying something, especially through warfare and the use of bombs. English = destruction, bombing.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To expand suddenly and break into lots of small pieces with great force, often causing a lot of damage. English = explode, blow up.\n 2. To cause so much damage to something that it is completely ruined, especially through warfare and the use of bombs. English = destroy.\n 3. Of a light bulb, to suddenly break, often with a flash. English = blow.\n 4. To suddenly break or split open letting out the air or some other substance which was inside. English = burst.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "https://media.auslan.org.au/mp4video/57/57490_1.mp4", "version": "\"0c7c309c559060b26d2b9ecb6083b227\"" }, "thumbnail": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/bomb1a-0.webp", "timestamp": 1653056108937, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/bomb1a-0-x264-512x288.mp4", "duration": 2.97, "byteSize": 62716 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "https://data.auslan.fyi/collections/encoded-search-data/raw/auslan-signbank-media/bomb1a-0-vp9-640x360.webm", "duration": 2.971, "byteSize": 123586 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "https://www.auslan.org.au/" }, "timestamp": 1647698011000 } ] }