
{ "buildID": "vgjVzpkcqlUQxyVPCkiZU", "entries": [ { "id": "orange", "title": "orange", "published": true, "words": [ "orange" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "" ], [ "Dictionary", "" ], [ "#29 orange", "" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "iconicity.obscure", "lexis.signed-english", "phonology.onehand", "semantic.color", "" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. A round fruit that is juicy and sweet. It has a thick skin and is divided into sections inside. English = orange.\n 2. A colour between red and yellow. English = orange.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To have a colour which is between red and yellow. English = (be) orange.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "", "version": "\"e978a83e49f1326f8593809b0b727ee0\"" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653061540336, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 3.784, "byteSize": 54935 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 3.784, "byteSize": 128071 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "" }, "timestamp": 1647695347000 }, { "id": "orange-juice", "title": "orange juice", "published": true, "words": [ "orange", "juice" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "" ], [ "Dictionary", "" ], [ "#30 orange-juice", "" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "iconicity.obscure", "phonology.onehand", "semantic.drink" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. A drink made from squeezed oranges. English = orange juice.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "", "version": "\"08c5918e62eca2657b9b5cd91b2e591c\"" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653061553489, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 2.924, "byteSize": 46614 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 2.925, "byteSize": 110102 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "" }, "timestamp": 1647695540000 }, { "id": "ought-not", "title": "should not (shouldn't), ought not (oughtn't), must not (mustn't)", "published": true, "words": [ "should", "not", "shouldn't", "ought", "not", "oughtn't", "must", "not", "mustn't" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "" ], [ "Dictionary", "" ], [ "#219 ought-not", "" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "iconicity.obscure", "lexis.doubtlex", "phonology.onehand" ], "body": "Interactive:\n 1. Used alone to mean you think that the action under discussion is not right, it is not good that it happens, or that you feel that it will not happen.\nAs Modifier:\n 1. Used before or after a verb to mean that you think that it is not right or not good that the action happens, or that you feel that it will not happen.\n 2. You use this sign when you are suggesting that someone not do something. English = shouldn't, ought not to.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "", "version": "\"253b2a425f417934ef9c71c108688879\"" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653061564162, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 384, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 6.72, "byteSize": 87602 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 480, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 6.72, "byteSize": 228501 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "" }, "timestamp": 1647692177000 }, { "id": "outside1a", "title": "outside, external", "published": true, "words": [ "outside", "external" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "" ], [ "Dictionary", "" ], [ "#895 outside1a", "" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "iconicity.obscure", "morph.locational-and-directional", "phonology.dominant-hand-only", "phonology.two-handed" ], "body": "General Definition:\n 1. To go from one side of a barrier, wall or other such structure, to the other side, or any action or any thing directly or indirectly associated with this, especially being outside of something.\nAs a Noun:\n 1. The part of a container or building which surrounds or encloses the rest of it. English = outside.\n 2. The space immediately next to that part of a container or building which is on the outside.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To be quite close to a building or container but not to be inside it, or to be in a hall or corridor next to a room. English = (be) outside.\n 2. To go from the inside to the outside of some container or building. English = go outside.\n 3. To happen, come from, or exist outside a place, person, or area of activity. English = (be) external.\nAs Modifier:\n 1. Used immediately next to a verb to mean the direction someone or something moves, from inside to outside. English = outside.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "", "version": "\"ff520310d2739b609b50d10be09cf97d\"" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653061581847, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 2.867, "byteSize": 58920 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 2.907, "byteSize": 123070 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "" }, "timestamp": 1647688191000 }, { "id": "outstanding", "title": "outstanding, exceptional, high-class, first class, sexy", "published": true, "words": [ "outstanding", "exceptional", "high-class", "first", "class", "sexy" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "" ], [ "Dictionary", "" ], [ "#2740 outstanding", "" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "iconicity.obscure", "phonology.double-handed", "phonology.symmetrical", "semantic.judge" ], "body": "As a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To be very good, especially when compared to any one or anything else of its type. English = (be) outstanding, (be) exceptional.\n 2. To be of very good quality and of a high social status. English = (be) high-class, (be) first class.\n 3. Of a person, to be particularly attractive and desirable. English = (be) sexy.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "", "version": "\"95138d529827c80758fb6f80e3b8ba79\"" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653061594760, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 3.459, "byteSize": 63149 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 3.459, "byteSize": 140121 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "" }, "timestamp": 1647694152000 }, { "id": "pack", "title": "pack, packer, pack up", "published": true, "words": [ "pack", "packer", "pack", "up" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "" ], [ "Dictionary", "" ], [ "#130 pack", "" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "iconicity.obscure", "lexis.signed-english", "phonology.alternating", "phonology.double-handed", "phonology.symmetrical" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. A person who removes things from the end of the process line in a factory and places them in packets or boxes. English = packer.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To put your belongings into a bag, because you are leaving a place or going on holiday. English = pack, pack up.\n 2. To work as a packer in a process line in a factory.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "", "version": "\"823f528d99058fe3ac0170ef4ab70658\"" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653061621216, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 3.186, "byteSize": 63666 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 3.187, "byteSize": 130593 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "" }, "timestamp": 1647689292000 }, { "id": "packet.lid", "title": "packet", "published": true, "words": [ "packet" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "" ], [ "Dictionary", "" ], [ "#3110 packet.lid", "" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "iconicity.obscure", "lexis.gensign", "lexis.signed-english", "phonology.dominant-hand-only", "phonology.two-handed" ], "body": "General Definition:\n 1. A small container with an opening and closing lid, or any action or any thing directly or indirectly associated with this, especially a packet.\nAs a Noun:\n 1. A small container in which a quantity of something is sold. It is either a small box made of thin cardboard, or a bag or envelope made of paper or plastic. English = packet.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "", "version": "\"14abe69ac98b7587381c394fd2594d85\"" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653061633511, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 3.348, "byteSize": 52208 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 3.387, "byteSize": 123224 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "" }, "timestamp": 1647695304000 }, { "id": "parachute", "title": "parachute, parachuting, parachutist", "published": true, "words": [ "parachute", "parachuting", "parachutist" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "" ], [ "Dictionary", "" ], [ "#2008 parachute", "" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "iconicity.obscure", "lexis.signed-english", "phonology.onehand" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. A device which enables you to jump from an aircraft and float to the ground. It consists of a large circle of thin cloth attached to your body by strings. English = parachute.\n 2. The sport or activity of jumping out of planes with a parachute. English = parachuting.\n 3. A person who jumps out of planes using a parachute. English = parachutist.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To jump out of a plane using a parachute. English = parachute.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "", "version": "\"fd7939d3e9e1ba310f8c4f42d7b5310a\"" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653061645836, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 5.062, "byteSize": 75414 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 5.084, "byteSize": 185432 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "" }, "timestamp": 1647691714000 } ] }

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