
{ "buildID": "vgjVzpkcqlUQxyVPCkiZU", "entries": [ { "id": "spider", "title": "spider, insect, bug, beetle, crawl", "published": true, "words": [ "spider", "insect", "bug", "beetle", "crawl" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "" ], [ "Dictionary", "" ], [ "#2111 spider", "" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "iconicity.obscure", "lexis.signed-english", "morph.body-locating", "phonology.dominant-hand-only", "phonology.two-handed", "semantic.animal" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. A small creature with eight legs, many types of which make webs. English = spider.\n 2. A small animal that has six legs, many types of which have wings. Examples include, ants, flies, butterflies and beetles. English = insect. Informal English = bug.\n 3. An insect with a hard covering on its body. English = beetle.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. Of an insect or spider, to crawl.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "", "version": "\"edbb88def22a02e0c368382b1a219912\"" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653063381499, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 3.81, "byteSize": 74887 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 3.81, "byteSize": 154097 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "" }, "timestamp": 1647692089000 }, { "id": "spill", "title": "spill, spillage, shatter, dispersal, dissemination, spread, spread out, disperse, disseminate, epidemic, pandemic, roll out", "published": true, "words": [ "spill", "spillage", "shatter", "dispersal", "dissemination", "spread", "spread", "out", "disperse", "disseminate", "epidemic", "pandemic", "roll", "out" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "" ], [ "Dictionary", "" ], [ "#128 spill", "" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "described", "iconicity.obscure", "lexis.signed-english", "phonology.double-handed", "phonology.symmetrical", "" ], "body": "General Definition:\n 1. Of anything, to go from being in one place or being in one piece to then being in many places or in many pieces over a larger area.\nAs a Noun:\n 1. The act of causing a liquid to flow over the edge of a container. English = spill, spillage.\n 2. The spreading of people or objects over a wide area or of ideas and objects amongst a large number of people. English = dispersal, dissemination.\n 3. An occurrence of a disease which affects a large number of people and which spreads quickly. English = epidemic.\n 4. An occurrence of a disease which affects a large number of people over a whole country or the entire world and which spreads quickly. English = pandemic.\n 5. \n 6. Of services or policies (e.g., health, education, welfare), the period of time in which it spreads in stages over an area to more and more people, with each stage involving an increased number of outlets. English = roll out.\n 7. \nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. Of a liquid, to accidentally flow over the edge of a container. English = spill.\n 2. Of a substance, to be opened out or arranged over a large place or surface, or to cover a large part of the surface of something. English = spread, spread out, spread over.\n 3. Of objects or ideas, to gradually reach or affect a larger and larger area, or more and more people. English = spread. Formal English = disperse, disseminate.\n 4. Of objects, to be far apart and to cover a large area. English = to be spread out.\n 5. Of an object, to break up into many little pieces that spread out over a large area. English = shatter.\n 6. Of services or policies (e.g., health, education, welfare), to begin and spread in stages over an area to more and more people, with each stage involving an increased number of outlets. English = roll out.\n 7. 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A small quantity of a liquid, especially water, that has been spilt on something or caused to fly up into the air. English = splash.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To hit or disturb a liquid, especially water, in a noisy way, causing it to spill or causing some of it to fly up into the air. English = splash.\n 2. Of a thing, to break into many small pieces when it falls and hits the ground. English = smash, shatter.\n 3. Of a thick liquid, to splash or be thrown over something. English = splatter, (be) splattered.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "", "version": "\"ed86650883a4fc7036f01fa0aae1db7b\"" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653063482406, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 320, "height": 240, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 5.382, "byteSize": 45638 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 320, "height": 240, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 5.383, "byteSize": 57120 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "" }, "timestamp": 1647686613000 }, { "id": "spouse1a", "title": "spouse, husband, wife, wedding ring, ring", "published": true, "words": [ "spouse", "husband", "wife", "wedding", "ring", "ring" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "" ], [ "Dictionary", "" ], [ "#309 spouse1a", "" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "iconicity.obscure", "phonology.dominant-hand-only", "phonology.two-handed", "" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. The person to whom someone is married. English = spouse, husband, wife.\n 2. A small circle of metal that you wear on your finger to show that you are married. English = ring, wedding ring.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "", "version": "\"f7504585b6925ba2d35ca91a87ca0431\"" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653063495726, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 384, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 8.16, "byteSize": 113218 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 480, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 8.16, "byteSize": 289114 } ] }, { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "", "version": "\"ff13df72a91087507f023bd983800e84\"" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653063519076, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 3.06, "byteSize": 48558 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 852, "height": 480, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 3.06, "byteSize": 272360 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "" }, "timestamp": null }, { "id": "spouse1b", "title": "spouse, husband, wife, wedding ring, ring", "published": true, "words": [ "spouse", "husband", "wife", "wedding", "ring", "ring" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "" ], [ "Dictionary", "" ], [ "#4355 spouse1b", "" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "iconicity.obscure", "lexis.signed-english", "lexis.varlex", "phonology.dominant-hand-only", "phonology.two-handed", "" ], "body": "", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "", "version": "\"ff13df72a91087507f023bd983800e84\"" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653063542719, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 3.06, "byteSize": 48558 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 852, "height": 480, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 3.06, "byteSize": 272360 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "" }, "timestamp": 1647705953000 }, { "id": "spray-can1a", "title": "spray, aerosol, spray can", "published": true, "words": [ "spray", "aerosol", "spray", "can" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "" ], [ "Dictionary", "" ], [ "#1023 spray-can1a", "" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "iconicity.obscure", "morph.orientating-sign", "phonology.onehand", "semantic.utensil" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. A liquid kept under pressure in a can or other container, which you can force out in very small drops. English = spray.\n 2. A small can in which a liquid is kept under pressure. English = spray can, aerosol.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To operate a spray can or an aerosol. English = spray.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "", "version": "\"35f8ade23728e86fa9efd2f4fccb2af2\"" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653063565914, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 320, "height": 240, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 6.107, "byteSize": 68738 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 320, "height": 240, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 6.106, "byteSize": 104238 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "" }, "timestamp": 1647682440000 }, { "id": "squash-sport", "title": "squash (sport)", "published": true, "words": [ "squash", "sport" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "" ], [ "Dictionary", "" ], [ "#4165 squash-sport", "" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "iconicity.obscure", "lexis.signed-english", "phonology.onehand", "" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. A game in which two players hit a small rubber ball against the walls of a court using rackets. English = squash.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To play squash.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "", "version": "\"5ef860555722212311524e5e9ebcfd67\"" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1660453079527, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "container": "mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "codec": "h264", "duration": 3.245, "byteSize": 51653, "url": "", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288" }, { "type": "video/webm", "container": "webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "codec": "vp9", "duration": 3.246, "byteSize": 118796, "url": "", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576" } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "" }, "timestamp": 1647699323000 }, { "id": "stack", "title": "stack", "published": true, "words": [ "stack" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Auslan Signbank", "" ], [ "Dictionary", "" ], [ "#2541 stack", "" ] ], "tags": [ "auslan-signbank", "everywhere", "wa", "nt", "sa", "qld", "nsw", "act", "vic", "tas", "iconicity.obscure", "lexis.signed-english", "morph.orientating-sign", "phonology.dominant-hand-only", "phonology.double-handed" ], "body": "As a Noun:\n 1. A neat pile of things, usually with one thing on top of another. English = stack.\nAs a Verb or Adjective:\n 1. To arrange things into neat piles. English = stack.", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "", "version": "\"0796bda4181763834464142dc4d8a6c6\"" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653063597431, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 512, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 3.409, "byteSize": 67554 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 640, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 3.438, "byteSize": 145374 } ] } ], "provider": { "id": "auslan-signbank", "name": "Auslan Signbank", "verb": "documented", "link": "" }, "timestamp": 1647693487000 } ] }

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