
{ "buildID": "q0a4Nm7aDrRvLEZp1-Z8R", "entries": [ { "id": "rf3m0uNpcOw-start=12", "published": true, "title": "Night", "words": [ "Night" ], "tags": [ "asphyxia", "vic", "nsw" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Youtube", "" ], [ "Asphyxia", "" ], [ "Learn Auslan - Times", "" ], [ "Night", "" ] ], "body": "Use this video to learn times in Auslan (Australian sign language)\n\nVocab:\n\n• Time (this is the formal sign for time, like hands moving on a clock face)\n• Time (sometimes Time is signed like this – think of pointing to a watch)\n• Today/now (use the same sign for both words)\n• Tomorrow\n• Yesterday\n• Day (like the sun coming up)\n• Night (like the sun going down)\n• Morning\n• Tonight (today night – the sign used for ‘night’ here (fingers around the nose) is another common sign for ‘night’ and is often used for that word, especially in a context where you want to sign small, rather than doing big hand movements.\n\nFor example, if you are tucked up in bed at night, saying good night to your partner, that’s the night to use.)\n\n• Noon\n• Afternoon (noon after)\n• Later\n• Soon\n• Sometimes (in the video I did a few too many lifts of my hand – two movements would have been more correct – i.e. my right hand should go up and then down)\n\nSince I’m heading offline for the rest of December and January, I’ll set up the next few Auslan lessons to be posted automatically.\n\nSo you can check back here for your lessons as usual. For those of you who subscribe to my course, I won’t be sending any notifications via email while I’m gone.\n\nJust check back here each Monday and you’ll find your lesson.\n\nThis video is part of my free online Auslan course. To access the entire course, and additional lessons that are not taught via video, please visit my website,\n\nTo learn more about what it is really like to be Deaf, details about the Deaf community and how Auslan is used by Deaf people, read my book, Future Girl,", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "asphyxia-media/", "clipping": { "end": 14.2, "start": 12 }, "version": "{\"link\":\"\"}" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653124773040, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 384, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 2.203, "byteSize": 73718 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 480, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 2.202, "byteSize": 118778 } ] } ], "timestamp": 1435017600000, "provider": { "id": "asphyxia", "name": "Asphyxia", "verb": "demonstrated", "link": "" } }, { "id": "rf3m0uNpcOw-start=14.2", "published": true, "title": "Morning", "words": [ "Morning" ], "tags": [ "asphyxia", "vic" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Youtube", "" ], [ "Asphyxia", "" ], [ "Learn Auslan - Times", "" ], [ "Morning", "" ] ], "body": "Use this video to learn times in Auslan (Australian sign language)\n\nVocab:\n\n• Time (this is the formal sign for time, like hands moving on a clock face)\n• Time (sometimes Time is signed like this – think of pointing to a watch)\n• Today/now (use the same sign for both words)\n• Tomorrow\n• Yesterday\n• Day (like the sun coming up)\n• Night (like the sun going down)\n• Morning\n• Tonight (today night – the sign used for ‘night’ here (fingers around the nose) is another common sign for ‘night’ and is often used for that word, especially in a context where you want to sign small, rather than doing big hand movements.\n\nFor example, if you are tucked up in bed at night, saying good night to your partner, that’s the night to use.)\n\n• Noon\n• Afternoon (noon after)\n• Later\n• Soon\n• Sometimes (in the video I did a few too many lifts of my hand – two movements would have been more correct – i.e. my right hand should go up and then down)\n\nSince I’m heading offline for the rest of December and January, I’ll set up the next few Auslan lessons to be posted automatically.\n\nSo you can check back here for your lessons as usual. For those of you who subscribe to my course, I won’t be sending any notifications via email while I’m gone.\n\nJust check back here each Monday and you’ll find your lesson.\n\nThis video is part of my free online Auslan course. To access the entire course, and additional lessons that are not taught via video, please visit my website,\n\nTo learn more about what it is really like to be Deaf, details about the Deaf community and how Auslan is used by Deaf people, read my book, Future Girl,", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "asphyxia-media/", "clipping": { "end": 16.7, "start": 14.2 }, "version": "{\"link\":\"\"}" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653124789875, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 384, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 2.503, "byteSize": 64035 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 480, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 2.502, "byteSize": 116773 } ] } ], "timestamp": 1435017600000, "provider": { "id": "asphyxia", "name": "Asphyxia", "verb": "demonstrated", "link": "" } }, { "id": "rf3m0uNpcOw-start=16.7", "published": true, "title": "Tonight", "words": [ "Tonight" ], "tags": [ "asphyxia", "vic" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Youtube", "" ], [ "Asphyxia", "" ], [ "Learn Auslan - Times", "" ], [ "Tonight", "" ] ], "body": "Use this video to learn times in Auslan (Australian sign language)\n\nVocab:\n\n• Time (this is the formal sign for time, like hands moving on a clock face)\n• Time (sometimes Time is signed like this – think of pointing to a watch)\n• Today/now (use the same sign for both words)\n• Tomorrow\n• Yesterday\n• Day (like the sun coming up)\n• Night (like the sun going down)\n• Morning\n• Tonight (today night – the sign used for ‘night’ here (fingers around the nose) is another common sign for ‘night’ and is often used for that word, especially in a context where you want to sign small, rather than doing big hand movements.\n\nFor example, if you are tucked up in bed at night, saying good night to your partner, that’s the night to use.)\n\n• Noon\n• Afternoon (noon after)\n• Later\n• Soon\n• Sometimes (in the video I did a few too many lifts of my hand – two movements would have been more correct – i.e. my right hand should go up and then down)\n\nSince I’m heading offline for the rest of December and January, I’ll set up the next few Auslan lessons to be posted automatically.\n\nSo you can check back here for your lessons as usual. For those of you who subscribe to my course, I won’t be sending any notifications via email while I’m gone.\n\nJust check back here each Monday and you’ll find your lesson.\n\nThis video is part of my free online Auslan course. To access the entire course, and additional lessons that are not taught via video, please visit my website,\n\nTo learn more about what it is really like to be Deaf, details about the Deaf community and how Auslan is used by Deaf people, read my book, Future Girl,", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "asphyxia-media/", "clipping": { "end": 18.5, "start": 16.7 }, "version": "{\"link\":\"\"}" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653124804931, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 384, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 1.802, "byteSize": 39598 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 480, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 1.801, "byteSize": 79433 } ] } ], "timestamp": 1435017600000, "provider": { "id": "asphyxia", "name": "Asphyxia", "verb": "demonstrated", "link": "" } }, { "id": "rf3m0uNpcOw-start=18.5", "published": true, "title": "Noon", "words": [ "Noon" ], "tags": [ "asphyxia", "vic" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Youtube", "" ], [ "Asphyxia", "" ], [ "Learn Auslan - Times", "" ], [ "Noon", "" ] ], "body": "Use this video to learn times in Auslan (Australian sign language)\n\nVocab:\n\n• Time (this is the formal sign for time, like hands moving on a clock face)\n• Time (sometimes Time is signed like this – think of pointing to a watch)\n• Today/now (use the same sign for both words)\n• Tomorrow\n• Yesterday\n• Day (like the sun coming up)\n• Night (like the sun going down)\n• Morning\n• Tonight (today night – the sign used for ‘night’ here (fingers around the nose) is another common sign for ‘night’ and is often used for that word, especially in a context where you want to sign small, rather than doing big hand movements.\n\nFor example, if you are tucked up in bed at night, saying good night to your partner, that’s the night to use.)\n\n• Noon\n• Afternoon (noon after)\n• Later\n• Soon\n• Sometimes (in the video I did a few too many lifts of my hand – two movements would have been more correct – i.e. my right hand should go up and then down)\n\nSince I’m heading offline for the rest of December and January, I’ll set up the next few Auslan lessons to be posted automatically.\n\nSo you can check back here for your lessons as usual. For those of you who subscribe to my course, I won’t be sending any notifications via email while I’m gone.\n\nJust check back here each Monday and you’ll find your lesson.\n\nThis video is part of my free online Auslan course. To access the entire course, and additional lessons that are not taught via video, please visit my website,\n\nTo learn more about what it is really like to be Deaf, details about the Deaf community and how Auslan is used by Deaf people, read my book, Future Girl,", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "asphyxia-media/", "clipping": { "end": 19.9, "start": 18.5 }, "version": "{\"link\":\"\"}" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653124815022, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 384, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 1.402, "byteSize": 26488 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 480, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 1.401, "byteSize": 61753 } ] } ], "timestamp": 1435017600000, "provider": { "id": "asphyxia", "name": "Asphyxia", "verb": "demonstrated", "link": "" } }, { "id": "rf3m0uNpcOw-start=19.9", "published": true, "title": "Afternoon", "words": [ "Afternoon" ], "tags": [ "asphyxia", "vic" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Youtube", "" ], [ "Asphyxia", "" ], [ "Learn Auslan - Times", "" ], [ "Afternoon", "" ] ], "body": "Use this video to learn times in Auslan (Australian sign language)\n\nVocab:\n\n• Time (this is the formal sign for time, like hands moving on a clock face)\n• Time (sometimes Time is signed like this – think of pointing to a watch)\n• Today/now (use the same sign for both words)\n• Tomorrow\n• Yesterday\n• Day (like the sun coming up)\n• Night (like the sun going down)\n• Morning\n• Tonight (today night – the sign used for ‘night’ here (fingers around the nose) is another common sign for ‘night’ and is often used for that word, especially in a context where you want to sign small, rather than doing big hand movements.\n\nFor example, if you are tucked up in bed at night, saying good night to your partner, that’s the night to use.)\n\n• Noon\n• Afternoon (noon after)\n• Later\n• Soon\n• Sometimes (in the video I did a few too many lifts of my hand – two movements would have been more correct – i.e. my right hand should go up and then down)\n\nSince I’m heading offline for the rest of December and January, I’ll set up the next few Auslan lessons to be posted automatically.\n\nSo you can check back here for your lessons as usual. For those of you who subscribe to my course, I won’t be sending any notifications via email while I’m gone.\n\nJust check back here each Monday and you’ll find your lesson.\n\nThis video is part of my free online Auslan course. To access the entire course, and additional lessons that are not taught via video, please visit my website,\n\nTo learn more about what it is really like to be Deaf, details about the Deaf community and how Auslan is used by Deaf people, read my book, Future Girl,", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "asphyxia-media/", "clipping": { "end": 21.8, "start": 19.9 }, "version": "{\"link\":\"\"}" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653124822370, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 384, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 1.902, "byteSize": 44623 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 480, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 1.902, "byteSize": 90097 } ] } ], "timestamp": 1435017600000, "provider": { "id": "asphyxia", "name": "Asphyxia", "verb": "demonstrated", "link": "" } }, { "id": "rf3m0uNpcOw-start=21.8", "published": true, "title": "Later", "words": [ "Later" ], "tags": [ "asphyxia", "vic" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Youtube", "" ], [ "Asphyxia", "" ], [ "Learn Auslan - Times", "" ], [ "Later", "" ] ], "body": "Use this video to learn times in Auslan (Australian sign language)\n\nVocab:\n\n• Time (this is the formal sign for time, like hands moving on a clock face)\n• Time (sometimes Time is signed like this – think of pointing to a watch)\n• Today/now (use the same sign for both words)\n• Tomorrow\n• Yesterday\n• Day (like the sun coming up)\n• Night (like the sun going down)\n• Morning\n• Tonight (today night – the sign used for ‘night’ here (fingers around the nose) is another common sign for ‘night’ and is often used for that word, especially in a context where you want to sign small, rather than doing big hand movements.\n\nFor example, if you are tucked up in bed at night, saying good night to your partner, that’s the night to use.)\n\n• Noon\n• Afternoon (noon after)\n• Later\n• Soon\n• Sometimes (in the video I did a few too many lifts of my hand – two movements would have been more correct – i.e. my right hand should go up and then down)\n\nSince I’m heading offline for the rest of December and January, I’ll set up the next few Auslan lessons to be posted automatically.\n\nSo you can check back here for your lessons as usual. For those of you who subscribe to my course, I won’t be sending any notifications via email while I’m gone.\n\nJust check back here each Monday and you’ll find your lesson.\n\nThis video is part of my free online Auslan course. To access the entire course, and additional lessons that are not taught via video, please visit my website,\n\nTo learn more about what it is really like to be Deaf, details about the Deaf community and how Auslan is used by Deaf people, read my book, Future Girl,", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "asphyxia-media/", "clipping": { "end": 23.8, "start": 21.8 }, "version": "{\"link\":\"\"}" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653124833160, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 384, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 2.002, "byteSize": 67707 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 480, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 2.002, "byteSize": 101021 } ] } ], "timestamp": 1435017600000, "provider": { "id": "asphyxia", "name": "Asphyxia", "verb": "demonstrated", "link": "" } }, { "id": "rf3m0uNpcOw-start=23.8", "published": true, "title": "Soon", "words": [ "Soon" ], "tags": [ "asphyxia", "vic", "nsw" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Youtube", "" ], [ "Asphyxia", "" ], [ "Learn Auslan - Times", "" ], [ "Soon", "" ] ], "body": "Use this video to learn times in Auslan (Australian sign language)\n\nVocab:\n\n• Time (this is the formal sign for time, like hands moving on a clock face)\n• Time (sometimes Time is signed like this – think of pointing to a watch)\n• Today/now (use the same sign for both words)\n• Tomorrow\n• Yesterday\n• Day (like the sun coming up)\n• Night (like the sun going down)\n• Morning\n• Tonight (today night – the sign used for ‘night’ here (fingers around the nose) is another common sign for ‘night’ and is often used for that word, especially in a context where you want to sign small, rather than doing big hand movements.\n\nFor example, if you are tucked up in bed at night, saying good night to your partner, that’s the night to use.)\n\n• Noon\n• Afternoon (noon after)\n• Later\n• Soon\n• Sometimes (in the video I did a few too many lifts of my hand – two movements would have been more correct – i.e. my right hand should go up and then down)\n\nSince I’m heading offline for the rest of December and January, I’ll set up the next few Auslan lessons to be posted automatically.\n\nSo you can check back here for your lessons as usual. For those of you who subscribe to my course, I won’t be sending any notifications via email while I’m gone.\n\nJust check back here each Monday and you’ll find your lesson.\n\nThis video is part of my free online Auslan course. To access the entire course, and additional lessons that are not taught via video, please visit my website,\n\nTo learn more about what it is really like to be Deaf, details about the Deaf community and how Auslan is used by Deaf people, read my book, Future Girl,", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "asphyxia-media/", "clipping": { "end": 25.2, "start": 23.8 }, "version": "{\"link\":\"\"}" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653124847869, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 384, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 1.402, "byteSize": 31117 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 480, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 1.401, "byteSize": 71050 } ] } ], "timestamp": 1435017600000, "provider": { "id": "asphyxia", "name": "Asphyxia", "verb": "demonstrated", "link": "" } }, { "id": "rf3m0uNpcOw-start=25.2", "published": true, "title": "Sometimes", "words": [ "Sometimes" ], "tags": [ "asphyxia", "vic", "nsw" ], "link": "", "nav": [ [ "Youtube", "" ], [ "Asphyxia", "" ], [ "Learn Auslan - Times", "" ], [ "Sometimes", "" ] ], "body": "Use this video to learn times in Auslan (Australian sign language)\n\nVocab:\n\n• Time (this is the formal sign for time, like hands moving on a clock face)\n• Time (sometimes Time is signed like this – think of pointing to a watch)\n• Today/now (use the same sign for both words)\n• Tomorrow\n• Yesterday\n• Day (like the sun coming up)\n• Night (like the sun going down)\n• Morning\n• Tonight (today night – the sign used for ‘night’ here (fingers around the nose) is another common sign for ‘night’ and is often used for that word, especially in a context where you want to sign small, rather than doing big hand movements.\n\nFor example, if you are tucked up in bed at night, saying good night to your partner, that’s the night to use.)\n\n• Noon\n• Afternoon (noon after)\n• Later\n• Soon\n• Sometimes (in the video I did a few too many lifts of my hand – two movements would have been more correct – i.e. my right hand should go up and then down)\n\nSince I’m heading offline for the rest of December and January, I’ll set up the next few Auslan lessons to be posted automatically.\n\nSo you can check back here for your lessons as usual. For those of you who subscribe to my course, I won’t be sending any notifications via email while I’m gone.\n\nJust check back here each Monday and you’ll find your lesson.\n\nThis video is part of my free online Auslan course. To access the entire course, and additional lessons that are not taught via video, please visit my website,\n\nTo learn more about what it is really like to be Deaf, details about the Deaf community and how Auslan is used by Deaf people, read my book, Future Girl,", "media": [ { "type": "video", "source": { "method": "fetch", "url": "asphyxia-media/", "clipping": { "end": 28.999, "start": 25.2 }, "version": "{\"link\":\"\"}" }, "thumbnail": "", "timestamp": 1653124856202, "encodes": [ { "type": "video/mp4", "width": 384, "height": 288, "container": "mp4", "codec": "h264", "version": "mp4:x264:22@512x288", "url": "", "duration": 2.036, "byteSize": 59978 }, { "type": "video/webm", "width": 480, "height": 360, "container": "webm", "codec": "vp9", "version": "webm:vp9:32@1024x576", "url": "", "duration": 2.035, "byteSize": 108581 } ] } ], "timestamp": 1435017600000, "provider": { "id": "asphyxia", "name": "Asphyxia", "verb": "demonstrated", "link": "" } } ] }

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